III. Of Reunion and Revelry

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"Ella!" The booming voice of King Robert resounded through the courtyard as he eagerly held out his arms to greet his beloved daughter. Argella fought the urge to rush into her father's warm embrace, reminding herself that decorum was expected.

"Father," she replied with a graceful curtsy before allowing herself to be drawn into a bear hug. As her father's hearty laughter filled the air, Argella couldn't help but let out a joyful chuckle. Oh, how she had missed him during her time away.

King Robert had never been one for letter writing, and over the course of her four years of fosterage, she had received only three letters from him, with only one bearing the king's own handwritten words.

"My little Ella! Well, not so little anymore, huh?" King Robert said, his eyes filled with affection as he let go of his daughter and tenderly stroked her cheek.

Argella leaned into her father's touch, her heart filled with warmth. Regardless of his strained relationship with her mother, Argella couldn't find it in her heart to harbor any resentment. She was, after all, her father's daughter.

"Has it really been four years?" he asked, a touch of regret in his voice as he gazed at his growing daughter. Argella sensed his longing for the days when she was a child, and it tugged at her heart. She felt a pang of guilt, knowing that her maturation pained him. But even the King of the Seven Kingdoms couldn't halt the relentless march of time.

It was as if her father needed her to be his little girl once more, and she willingly obliged. "Six and ten is still quite young, Father," she replied, hoping to ease his concerns.

The queen stepped forward and planted a kiss on both sides of her daughter's cheek, her voice filled with maternal affection. "My love, you've grown beautifully."

"Thank you, Mother," Argella replied as she embraced her mother. She couldn't help but add, "I still have a long way to go to be as beautiful as you, I'm afraid." It was then that she noticed three golden-haired children behind her mother.

"Joffrey? Myrcella? And little Tommen!" Argella knelt down to her young brother's height and inquired, "Do you remember me?"

"Yes," Tommen answered shyly before taking refuge behind Myrcella's skirts.

"Sister," Myrcella extended her hand, which Argella graciously accepted. Her little sister, who took after their radiant mother, kissed both sides of Argella's cheeks, saying, "We've missed you."

"Thank you, Myrcella."

Their mother called out to Jaime, acknowledging the knight who had been Argella's steadfast companion and protector. As she cast an appreciative gaze over her brother's form, Jaime began to respond, but King Robert interjected with a brusque comment about the "Kingslayer."

Argella spoke up in defense of her loyal knight, "Ser Jaime is a loyal knight and my constant companion. He deserves our gratitude."

Her father waved off the conversation and urged everyone to follow him into the great hall of the Red Keep, where the celebration of her return would commence. As they ascended the steps, Argella held out her hand to her brother, Joffrey. Despite his initial resistance, he took her hand, and they continued together, their sibling bond rekindled.

"You've grown up, Ella," Joffrey observed.

"I'm afraid I can't say the same for you, dear brother," Argella playfully retorted, and soon they were both sharing fits of laughter.

As they continued their lively conversation, Joffrey asked about her experiences at Casterly Rock and whether she had seen the caged lions she mentioned.

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