Mystery #2

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As a wall, I had always thought of myself as a silent observer, a passive participant in the world around me. But that all changed when I found myself at the center of a murder mystery.

It started with a whispered conversation between two walls in the next room. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I could sense the tension in their voices. They were discussing something important, something that made them both nervous and excited.

The next day, one of the walls was found dead, a brick shattered in his side. The police were called, and soon the entire wall community was abuzz with speculation.

As the investigation continued, I began to notice strange things happening around me. Doors would slam shut on their own, and I would hear whispers in the night. It was as if the walls were trying to communicate with each other, but they were too afraid to speak openly.

I knew I had to do something, so I began to listen more closely to the walls around me. I discovered that one of the walls, a brick wall with a crack in it, was having an affair with the victim. They had been meeting in secret, in the dark corners of the house, and their affair had been going on for months.

But why would someone want to kill the victim? I had to know more. I began to eavesdrop on the other walls, to see if they knew anything about the murder.

One of the walls, a plaster wall with a crack in it, was the first to confess. He had been jealous of the victim's relationship with the brick wall, and he had killed him in a fit of rage. But he didn't act alone. He had been working with the other walls, using their strength and power to commit the murder.

The police were called, and soon the entire wall community was arrested and charged with the crime. But as the investigation continued, it became clear that there was more to the story than meets the eye. The victim had been blackmailing the brick wall, threatening to expose their affair to the other walls. And the plaster wall, who had confessed to the crime, was not the only one who had a motive.

In the end, it was the brick wall's own wife who had killed him, in a fit of jealous rage. She had been suspicious of her husband's affair, and she had been waiting for the perfect moment to strike. And when the victim had threatened to expose the affair, she knew she had to act fast.

The case was solved, but the wall community was forever changed. The affair had brought them all together, but it had also torn them apart. And as for me, I had discovered a new side of myself, a side that was not just a passive observer, but a detective who could solve a murder mystery.

If the walls could speak (Multiple mysterys)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora