!+Arito's birthday+!

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Sakusa's POV

Me and Atsu got up around 7:00 a.m. just to make Arito breakfast but instead of at the table, we wanted to make it for him to eat in bed. after making his favorite breakfast we grabbed some milk to pour in his hot chocolate and then I grabbed the tray as Atsu went to grab the twins.

we then walked into Arito's bedroom just to see him getting up ''Good morning Birthday boy.'' me and Atsu said to Arito I put the tray down in front of him and then me and Atsu on the bed with him as Atsu sat with the twins on her lap.

''How did you sleep, buddy?'' I asked him while he was eating his breakfast. ''It was good but waking up to this and you guys with me is even better than my sleep.'' Arito said as he yawned. ''What do you want to do today?'' Atsu said as she was playing with the twins in her arms.

''Umm is it okay if we go to a park and maybe go somewhere else fun?..'' Arito asked a bit shy. ''^CHUCKLES^ Of course whatever you want it is your birthday after all.'' I said as I ruffled his hair ''yay! I can't wait then!'' Arito said with a bright smile on his face.

When he finished having his breakfast we all got ready for the day we all decided to wear matching outfits with the birthday boy. When we finished getting ready we let Arito pick what car to go in for today. He decided to pick the Tesla out of the other 3 cars so we got the twin boosters out of our family car and then put it in our Tesla.

We then headed to a very good park for the 3 of them to play at since there is a baby area and then a kid area which I really like. And me and Atsu take turns like she would go with the twins to the baby area and then I go to Arito in the kid area and then after 30 minutes me and Atsu swap.

In the end, we all went to the kid area and the kids played together and we also play after 2 and a half hours of being there we got hungry so we stopped at McDonald's since Arito wanted to go there for lunch.

As we finished eating I got the idea to go to an amusement park and it sounded like Arito really wanted to go but before we could we dropped the twins off to my parents since it was their weekend to be with their grandparents.

We then headed to the amusement park we went on all the rides that Arito was able to go on and it felt nice that it was just us and the Arito only like nothing was wrong with the twins being with us as well but then one of us would have to stay behind to be with the twins.

''Oh my god, that was so fun!!'' Arito said as we got off one of the roller coasters ''^CHUCKLES^ glad you like being here.'' Atsu said as we went to bumper cars and it was super fun but also funny when we bumped into each other and other people.

Arito had such a bright smile on his face and I was glad that he was enjoying being here with us.


Atsumi's POV

''I'm sad that we have to leave but I still had fun but what are we doing now?'' Arito said as we all got into the car. We were all thinking while driving and it was 2:00 p.m. right now so we continued to look around and think about where to go.

''Oohh what about the movies?'' I said as we were about to go past but before we did Omi parked in front of the place and then looked at Arito and then they both agreed we then got out and headed inside the place.

Arito picked the movie he wanted to watch and it was!YOU PICK! we had 20 minutes before it started so we grabbed some candy, popcorn, and a drink and then we headed to the room. and sat in our chairs with Arito in the middle of me and Omi.

The movie was 2 hours long and the movie made Arito tired and I picked up Arito as we walked back to the car. When we got back home it was 6:00 p.m. and it was getting late so we made something quick but instead of me, Omi, or both of us cooking we included Arito to help us cook. 

Arito actually did really good at cooking dinner with us so we were both thinking that we should help us with dinner often now. We sat down at the dining table and Arito started to talk about how he enjoyed today even though he wanted the twins to be with us he knew the reason why we had to drop them off to Omi's parents.

''Okay, how about next year we celebrate your birthday with the twins then??'' I asked him if we were all eating our dinner. ''Ooohhh yes please I love the twins it was like we were meant to be siblings!'' Arito said with half of his mouth full.

I was also happy that Arito even thought of Ren and Rumi as his real siblings. Once we finished eating me and Omi cleaned up since we didn't want Arito to clean up (I mean who makes their own clean-up on their birthday? Not me that is for sure.).

Once we finished cleaning up we decided to freshen up and get ready for bed but before we did go to bed we wanted to watch another movie but instead of 2 hours it was only 1 hour. Arito of course picked again.

We all cuddled up with a shared blanket so we would all be warm in case we don't make to our own beds. We would sometimes end up falling asleep and then wake up because it was cold but this time we would have a good night's sleep with a big warm blanket on us and of course some of the warmth from our bodies.

I saw Arito was asleep but I didn't really mind so I just left him and went back to the movie I hugged him and then went back to the movie. After a while me and Omi fell asleep around the same time since I looked at the time before going to sleep and so did Omi he also remembers everything and when I say everything I mean everything.

But I'm sure Arito had a good day with us and this was his first-ever birthday with us and I hope that he knows that we love him with all our hearts. We also want him to remember his first-ever birthday with his new parents and then next year he will have his whole family on his birthday.

1254 WORDS

Sorry I haven't posted but here it is right now I hope you enjoyed this. I was also meant to make a Halloween part but I wasn't able to even start it because I was so busy with school work that I wasn't able to make it so sorry for not making it. But I will make a Christmas and a New Year's Eve part so ya sayonara!!

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