The first<3~

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The moment I first laid eyes on her my heart fluttered like it found it's warm, comforting home.

The second I heard her voice my ears immediately craved more.

The first time I glanced into her eyes i realized I would rather stare into them for the rest of my life than look at any thing other....

But everyday that went by I kept finding my self drawn to her like a moth to its light.

Each day those feelings grew...

Each time I look at her my heart fluttered as if it wanted to fly away,

Each time I hear your velvet like voice, I dream to hear it just once more even when I know I could never get enough,

Each time I look into her eyes they remind me of the pure soul they hold and I can't help but feel connected,

It feels as if we've known eachother longer then we've been alive but that's clearly impossible.

The way her name rolls off my tongue is like a drug.

It's addictive...<3~

Only 177 words

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