"Wait, I just asked you that." Fuck.

"No I'm pretty sure I asked you" I trailed off. "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me" I said as I started to get up.

"I don't either, but I wish you would've followed through with it" Hayes responded as he put his hands on both of my cheeks and pulled me back on top of him, kissing me.

I was still straddling him and I ran my fingers through his hair before just grabbing it, deepening the kiss as our lips moved together.

I heard cheering and clapping in the back and then a "you go girl!" Bridgett I thought while shaking my head.

Hayes and I broke the kiss and I sat up straight, both Hayes and I looked back a Bridgett standing in the doorway.

"Sorry to be a cockblock, keep going I won't mind. Actually I will because I'm supposed to try and get a job today" she said.

"Okay well guess what? I'm the manager, you can try out today and I'll observe you from my spot at the cash register. Pass today and you've got the job" I said as I leaned back down and Hayes and I had one last deep kiss.

"Okay but really you're gonna be late." This is a different side of her.

"Okay, okay" I mumbled while getting off of Hayes and standing up straight. He got up too and we smoothed our clothes down.

I went back to the door and picked up my phone and then Bridgett handed me my wristlet. Hayes grabbed his keys from the kitchen table and we all walked outside.

"Shotgun!" Bridgett yelled and ran to Hayes truck, Hayes rolling his eyes. I laughed a little at that as I climbed into the backseat.

Man, that's unfortunate.

I tried to guide Hayes to Chick-Fil-A but he insisted he knew so I just leaned back. By the time we got there Bridgett was already jumping out. Wow she's eager for this job.

"Alright guys listen up" I announced to the staff. It was eight in the morning and doors didn't open until nine. "We have a new member of the team. Well an almost-member. Today she's taking my test. I'm going to be observing her so don't mess with her-" she cut me off.

"Yeah don't mess with me because I will find a stick of butter in here and I will beat you with it" Bridgett declared very specifically.

"Good to know" someone said and I recognized the voice to be Cason's. They have similar personalities.

"Alright Bridgett keep the violence on the d-low, all though I know you won't. And Cason, remarks to yourself but you're in charge of showing Bridgett all of the ropes around here and how to work the drive through which is where she'll be today. Hayes what time is it?" I yelled to him, he was sitting at a small table in a corner.

"Eight-thirty" he replied.

"Okay, Cason you have thirty minutes to teach Bridgett how to work the drive through" I told him and they both headed over to the area. Condiments and such were lined around her work station and then a walk way led to the cooking area. Drinks were behind me at the cash register but Bridgett has a drink fountain in her work station too.

At around eight forty-five I heard yelling and things hitting the ground so I ran around to the drive through window.

"What the hell?" I yelled as I looked at the mustard and ketchup covered Bridgett and Cason in front of me. "What happened?"

"Well" she drug out the word. "I put on the head set and pressed a button for it to work and then pressed buttons on the screen to copy down the order that Cason gave as an example. He told me a twelve piece nugget with fries so I keyed that in and he started yelling that he said no fries" Bridgett began explaining.

"I did say no fries!" He yelled.

I pointed at him and he raised an eyebrow. "Hey you, shut the fuck up. Bridgett, continue."

"So I got mad and I tried to find the butter but he blocked me from the fridge, he was probably scared. He grabbed a bottle of mustard to guard me from it. So I snatched up a bottle of ketchup and I pointed it at him. I tried to make it to the fridge but as soon as I took a step he squirted me and so basically it was a condiment squirt war, we picked up other condiments along the way."

"You're lucky I need you and you're a good worker or otherwise you'd be fired. It was stupid to squirt her, you should've just called me or another staff member" I scolded Cason, Bridgett crossed her arms.

He hung his head in shame. "Yes ma'am."

"And as for you, that's your first strike. Not a good way to start my test. A strike before doors are even open." I told Bridgett. "Now both of you go clean yourselves up and then get to work on cleaning this shit up" I said while pointing to the floor. "Doors open soon everyone, get your lives together!"

"That was hot" I heard Hayes' voice and I turned around to the counter, startled. "You think I could get something to drink?"

"I don't know, can you?" I teased and leaned and put my hands flat on the counter.

"Don't make me come back there" he replied.

"You wouldn't."

To my surprise, Hayes climbed over the counter. "Now can I get a drink?"

"No" I stated firmly.

Hayes got really close to my face and then grabbed my face and pressed his lips onto mine giving me a long kiss. "How about now?"

"Well, I guess" I said in defeat and grabbed a cup. "What do you want?"


I filled up his cup and handed it to him. "That'll be $2.15."

He looked down at the floor and bent down. When he stood back up he handed me a penny. "There, how's that?"

"That's a down payment" I said with a laugh. "I expect $2.14 by the time we leave or you'll have to work it off" I finished and he smirked and climbed back over the counter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2015 ⏰

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