make the call (to give it to you all)

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"No," Izuku answers, and he sounds assured enough in his response that the uncertain knot in Katsuki's gut unwinds. "Because you're giving this to me. You always give me what I want."

Katsuki feels pride bloom in his chest. He reaches down to Izuku's cheeks with his dry hand and kisses him hard. "That's right. You're being so fucking good, baby," he growls, then releases Izuku's cheek in favor of his cock, feeding it to him. "I know how lonely that greedy mouth of yours gets. Come on, beautiful, take it."

The tip of Izuku's cock slides past his lips, and the first suck he gives is tentative. Katsuki feels lightheaded, watching him whimper softly around his own cock.

He may have flown a little too close to the sun with this one, he thinks.

Izuku's cheeks hollow, and he strains his neck down, taking more of himself in. He peers up at Katsuki through his dark lashes, eyes wide and seeking.

Katsuki gives him the reassurance he needs along with the cold hard facts: "You look so good, baby. So fucking beautiful, I can't believe I get to keep you."

(They've been married a year now, have matching rings tattooed on their left hands to show for it. But, sometimes, it still doesn't feel real.)

Izuku lets out a needy moan in response, and Katsuki thinks he means to say, I'm yours.

At some point, Katsuki remembers that there's lube drying on his right hand, that there was another aspect of this that he'd promised Izuku. Dammit if Katsuki isn't intent on keeping every little promise he's ever made to him. He slicks up his hand again and doesn't waste any time pressing inside this time.

Izuku's chest tries to inflate but only gets so far because his own dick is in his airway. Katsuki gulps dryly as he slips in a second finger. The little noises Izuku makes in the back of his throat escalates in urgency the fuller he grows with Katsuki's fingers. The throbbing of Katsuki's cock becomes an urgency, and he pulls it out of his pants, giving it a few strokes with his left hand to curb the edge. His right gets a little sloppy. Katsuki had been trying to avoid Izuku's prostate, just focused on stretching, but when his fingers clumsily stroke right into his sweet spot, Izuku throws his head back, mouth popping open with a scream.

"Fuck me, Kacchan, fuck me now, or I'm gonna come. Please—please, I need you."

His voice is wet and raspy and Katsuki wants to grip it in his hands, so he wraps his robot fingers around his throat and finds Izuku's hand with his human one, their fingers lacing.

"Needed you fucking yesterday," he hisses. The vice of Izuku's walls around his cock as he pushes in is both relief and torture. "Shit, you're hot, so tight for me."

Izuku anchors himself against Katsuki's hand, squeezing like he's not perfectly capable of snapping the thin bones. Right now, Katsuki doesn't care if he does, but trusts him not to.

"All the way," Izuku rushes, "all the way inside. Want you so deep I can taste you."

Katsuki is helpless to give Izuku exactly what he wants. His soft spot for his husband is the size of his entire heart. Fucking pathetic stuff, but he's stopped fighting it long ago.

But he does growl, "Don't tell me what to do. Be a good little whore and keep fucking your mouth with your dick," because Izuku needs to be put in his place—and because Izuku's cock jumps when Katsuki uses that tone on him.

Katsuki shoves his hips up higher, and Izuku takes himself back inside his mouth. Katsuki feels his metaphorical wings of wax start to melt as he fucks into Izuku's body, the strongest in the world but soft and pliant just for him. He watches him moan around his own cock, eyes hazy and wet but never leaving Katsuki's face, not even for a second.

Do you see how Katsuki knows that he will die for this man?

(He already has, technically, a couple times.)

The whimpers dribbling from the corners of Izuku's mouth grow desperate as Katsuki shoves him deeper and deeper into the couch with every thrust. The couch shifts underneath them, and any marks it leaves the hardwood floors is going to be Later Katsuki's problem. His focus is singular right now, laser-sharp.

"You gonna come, baby?" he rasps.

Izuku nods, sweat and tears and spit wetting his face. He's a hot mess, but better yet, he's Katsuki's hot mess.

Katsuki strokes the curve of his cheek, wiping his tears. He feels the slide of Izuku's cock on the other side, and it's so foreign to feel a cock that's not his own there. His own dick pulses, noting, Foreign, and erotic as all hell.

"You go ahead, sweetheart," he coos, "I'm right behind you."

And it's as if permission was all Izuku was waiting. His balls tighten immediately, cock disappearing altogether as he swallows himself whole through his orgasm.

Katsuki loses it.

Wave after wave, he spends himself inside of Izuku. Over the roar of blood in his ears, he distantly hears him sobbing his name. His ass clenches over and again and makes it impossibly for Katsuki stop fucking him, and it's like they're stuck in a positive feedback loop, or a game of oversensitivity chicken.

It's not a fair fight. Izuku is the only one regularly takes post-orgasm torture like a fucking champ. Katsuki calls uncle, and Izuku stops being a menace.

His mouth still hot and sticky come when Katsuki bends down to kiss him, licking it out of him. It's the slightly tangy taste of Izuku's come instead of the more bitter flavor of Katsuki's. Is it stupid to think that he could pick Izuku's spunk out of a line-up? Because he totally could. He'd be the star witness.

Number 1, Officer. I'm sure of it. That's the love of my life.

Carefully, he helps unwinds Izuku's limbs out of contortion, holding the weight of his hips as his legs unfold. Yup, those handprints on his hips are definitely going to bruise tomorrow. Izuku groans as his body lengthens back out, then sighs in relief when his feet land flat on the rug in front of the couch. He slides off the couch and wiggles his butt over the pile of discarded clothes. He's probably leaking a little; they'll take care of that in a bit. Katsuki settles next to him, bracketing his body around Izuku's protectively.

"You all right?" He rubs his hands up his calves, then up his back.

"More than," Izuku sighs happily. "I'll be thinking about that one for a while."

Good. Katsuki's pleased. "I mean your muscles. Sore?"

"A bit. I've never held that position for so long."

Izuku rolls his neck, and Katsuki searches for the sore spot. He kneads a tight knot that makes Izuku groan.

"Can't believe you can get into that position in the first place," Katsuki says. "You're a wet dream and a half, you know that?"

Izuku's smile is way too innocent after what they've just done. "Yeah? Did you also dream about me in high school?"

"That's a stupid question."

"Won't you answer it, though?" Izuku blinks slow. "For me?"

Manipulative little shit. Like he doesn't know that Katsuki would rip the stars out of the sky for him.

Katsuki kisses him, long and deep, until the stars twinkle bright and infinite in Izuku's eyes.

Then, he answers the question.

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