Chapter 1 (Chloes POV)

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"Chloe" yells a high pitched voice and hand waving in front of my face, I hit it away only now realising I zoned off

"Uh hey" I scowl at her

"Sup" max says to me before gently kissing Haley on her forehead

I grin at Max and Haley, they make such a cute couple and have been going out for almost 6 months

"Uh Chloe have you even been listening?" Another voice bumps in I turn around to see my other best friends Sophie and Adrian

"Yeah of course...." I reply dripping with sarcasm

"Any way as I was saying" Sophie continued on "there two new hot guys who just started today and there in our grade" she squealed jumping up and down while nudging my side

Before she got too carried away I decided now would be a good time to leave "um I got to go I'll see you later" I wave at them before walking down the crowded Hallways towards me locker

I get to my locker and unlock it checking my timetables "great..." I mumble to my self and to make matter a hell of a lot worse I have the same teacher who I had last year who for some reason hates me

I slowly get up and walk in the direction of 5A

suddenly I walk into a wall? Why is this walk warm? What? I look up only now realising it's a hard body, I rub my head And look up to see a tall tanned guy with the body of those dream boyfriends with messy black hair and dark brown eyes I would imagine girls get lost in

"Um sorry" the guy said before grinning and holding out his hand "I'm Ryan"

"Hey, I'm Chloe and I'm assuming your new?" I grin back

"Yeah just moved from Miami" he replied before stating "uh I got to go but I'll see you later?"

I nodded before continuing on my way to stupid maths....

Pulling open the door just as the bell earning a glare from Mrs Hollings I only smirked back as I quickly sat down at my seat as the teacher started calling the role.

"Chloe Eaton" Mrs Hollings grumbles as I glance up to see a few faces staring my way "um here" I call out twiddling my long golden brown hair around my finger smirking at Mrs Hollings.

About a hour later I headed out of that class hoping to avoid everyone I don't feel like talking to.

I look ahead and see Ryan sitting with a skinny blonde with huge assets and a tiny waist chatting

Something seemed up as I didn't picture him being that type of guy but shrugged it off

I started walking towards them as they looked my way "hey" I said hoping he would remember me

"Um hey?" Ryan said back looking confused "um who are you?" He asked

"Chloe, um we meet this morning?" I replied confused

"Um no we didn't?" Ryan said still some what confused

"Yeah we did remember?" I added hopefully

The blonde slut just giggled at me before spitting out "get loss loser" laughing again I just shrugged her off

I gave up and headed towards my next class hearing them laughing at me whilst I texted Sophie 'hey Soph um does Ryan have some sort of memory loss or something?" Hitting send I run straight bang into a wall, or at least p I thought it was a wall

For the second time today I rubbed my head getting ready to yell at the bastard who took me out, but as I looked up I realised it was Ryan

Giving him a death stare I was trying to get around him but he wouldn't let me and kept blocking my path

"What's your problem!" I yelled at him

"No what's your problem?" He looked at me confused

"Oh I don't know I can't remember.." I yelled hoping he would catch on, he didn't

He arched his eye brow looking somewhat hurt?

"Um are you okay?" He asked totally unaware we had 'talked' like 2 minutes agin

"Omg do you have like memory loss or something?!?" I blurted out

He looked even more confused now not switching his gaze off me

I just walked around him but he somehow grabbed my hand before I could leave

I gulped feeling bad for what u just said "look sorry I was just....." As he cut me off "let me guess you meet my twin, Hunter" He said still not switching his gaze

"Your who?" I said completely unaware he had a twin

He sighed chuckling "my twin Hunter, don't worry your not the only one who believes I'm him or he's me" he said sighing again

I suddenly clicked "oh um sorry" I said as politely as possible wanting to leave straight away

He rolled his eyes at me "it's okay" he shrugged, "hey we should hang out some time!" He added

"Yeah sounds good!" I replied cheerfully

"K bye" he waved

"Bye" I yelled after him

School dragged on the whole rest of the day until the bell rung and it was time to go home or almost at least, as I wanted to stay after school and practice my soccer

I swung my bag over my back as I headed for the fields

Tying up my shoes I kicked the ball from one foot to the other warming up before kicking strongly towards the goal scoring perfectly

"Hey" a voice said scaring me a little i jumped whipping my head around to see Ryan or Hunter I couldn't tell yet "didn't know you played soccer?" He questioned

"Um hey, wait are you Ryan or Hunter... And tell me the truth." I decided it was best to ask before I start being nice

He grinned chuckling "Hunter, you know the guy who apparently has memory loss." Oh great.

I ignored his comment and turned my back on him rolling my eyes

"So your Chloe right?" He said stepping in front of me

"Yeah so what" I snapped back at him

"And you play soccer?" He grinned

I gave him one of my fake smiles pretty much answering his question for him

"You know you should try smiling properly" he grinned waiting for my response

"And you know you should try being polite" I snapped giving him exactly what he wanted

The next thing I knew I was face up on the ground staring into the same dark brown eyes like Ryan's only......different, having my face only a few inches away from Hunters lips I struggled trying to get free which only made him lock me down firmer

"You know if I wasn't so 'polite' I would kiss you right now" he grinned looking at my lips

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