My camera loves you! (but I don't)

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ENJOYYY (◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)

Model wukong and photographer macaque AU!!

On most days, macaque was absolutely in love with his job.

See, he was a photographer. And not just any photographer is that. No, his work was with models.

Basically, he was employed to do photo shoots for models; be it on the runway, or for their magazine covers.

He worked with the top agency called 'iron' or whatever, and since it was the top Photography Agency in metropolis, they gave a lot of extra bonuses to their employees.

Macaque loved his job every day. Except. Except when he had to work with this one particular Modelling Agency called LMK.

Fuck, he really didn't like working with that agency! But well, it couldn't be helped. If iron was the top Photography Agency, then LMK happened to be the top Modelling Agency.

And isn't it natural for the two top Agencies in the industry to work closely a lot?

Macaque's boss certainly seemed to think so. Bull king was apparently very good friends with azure, head of the LMK Agency.

Something about bonding over tools or something? Macaque didn't really understand it, but it was fine.

Because macaqye was one of the top photographers in his Agency, and by extension in metropolis, he was often hired for photoshoots by LMK.

Now, it only makes sense that they hire him. He was a diligent worker after all. It's just that the experience was always very unpleasant for macaque himself!

There were two reasons to this. Reason number one happened to be this one assistant in the Agency.

Her name was kanao, and while macaque totally believed in being very respectful to women, she was a fucking annoying woman!

For one, she always tailed macaque around, whenever he was at the agency.

In fact, this one time he had stayed back at LMK till really late at night, just in order to finish editing the photographs he had taken during the day.

Once he had been finally done, he had started making his way to the exit, only to realize that he was being followed by Kanao! It was truly creepy, that's what it was.

Other than the assistant, reason number two of his annoyance with LMK Agency happened to be one of the models.

Macaque couldn't stand working with sun wukong or 'shi hou' on any given day.

This situation was worse because wukong was one of the, if not the top model of his Agency, and hence by extension in metropolis.

Macaque's boss and co-workers always urged him to play nice with the model.

According to them, it'd be really bad if they lost their business because wukong decided to revoke their services just because macaque kept getting on his nerves.

The model was said to have great influence in his Agency. In fact, there were rumours that he either owned the Agency itself, or was very closely related with the owner.

Macaque understood the importance of being on wukong's good side; he did, okay. It was just! He absolutely couldn't stand the man at all!

Macaque wasn't even sure why he was such a highly-paid model. Like sure, he was gorgeous, but he also had really tacky fashion sense! For example, every visible part of his body was always covered with pearls or shit.

Did people find that attractive?! Apparently they did, because as unfortunate as it was, wukong was still the highest paid model in the industry.

It was so annoying!

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