Short Storyyy (Hope you like it :D) Chapter 1 btw

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Runa's First Person POV

635 words. I'm not too sure how many chapters this will be. I didn't really plan ahead lol. Probably will be 2-4 or something idk. Hope you like it though <3

I woke up with a sudden gasp. Where was I? Who was I? The realization then hit me. This utter feeling was so....seldom. Unique. I got up from my bed, nearly falling as I stumbled. I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was like a bird's nest.

Ok Runa. You've got this.

I've always been a lonely person. All my life, I've never made friends. I was always kicked to the curb as if I were some kindergartner. That's what people have always thought of me. Small. I couldn't help that I was short. I couldn't help the fact that I liked stuffed animals, and dolls. Now I was in high school, still being called names everywhere I go.

I was scared. I was scared to go back to that school and face many students, cruel ones to be specific.

Putting on my orange, rabbit sweater, I went out the front door and walked to the school. The school for gamblers.

As soon as I stepped foot onto the school grounds, I was greeted by non-other than Mary. She was known as the Queen of Gambling.

"Yomozuki-san!" she exclaimed. I froze, not knowing what to do. "I heard that Kirari-san is planning to battle you!" She paused, and grinned. "In a gamble." I gasped. Why me? What do I have that Kirari would find interesting? So much so that she chooses me to battle against. I replied with fury. "And how could you find out something like that?! All you do is beat people in a gamble! Then you use them for your own wealth!" Mary burst out laughing. "Is that really all you think of me? Fine then. I challenge you to a gamble!" Everyone was now watching us from a distance. I was now paralyzed, as if my shoes were glued to the stone ground. She grinned. "Think about it." As she walked away, I stopped her with my voice. "I accept your challenge!"

What have I gotten myself into?! I thought. I had just come back from being completely glued to my bed. And now, I'm being greeted by Mary, with a challenge.

"This game is simple!" Mary said. "This will be a modded game of Jankenpon Rock-Paper-Scissors. Each player starts with one hundred and twenty ten thousand yen chips! All together it is worth one million two hundred thousand yen. For this game, two players and the cooperation of the whole gang is required. First, there is a voting phase, where everyone will draw rock, paper or scissors on cards and place them in a closed box so that the players cannot see it; then, the two players take three cards from that box and choose which one to play against the other.

Unlike the traditional game, the player does not have all three options; it is more common that they get two the same and one different; having all three in one hand is extremely rare.

If there is a tie, they play their cards until someone wins or the game will end in a tie."

I was nervous to my feet. I didn't know how to do this anymore. I don't even know how to gamble anymore.

As expected, I had lost. Miserably. "NO! This can't be happening!" I pounded on the table. I was angry, filled with rage. But what I didn't know was that Kirari, the student council president, was watching from the crowd.

She walked up to me. "Runa is it?" I gasped. She was talking, to me. "I understand that you just lost 1.2 million yen, correct?" I nodded, still in shock. Kirari smirked. "Join the student council."

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