"Ow, ow, ow." Madelyn exclaimed.

"I know, you're doing so good. We're almost there." Gracie said.

They eventually got to the car and Gracie guided Madelyn inside. Gracie got in and drove away quickly.

"This better not fucking be my appendix." Madelyn said angrily.

"Maddie, I know you're in a lot of pain. But don't freak yourself out right now, ok? Try to breathe." Gracie said, resting her hand on Madelyn's thigh.

"Ok." Madelyn replied, a few more tears falling.

"Shh, it'll be ok." Gracie cooed.

They arrived at the hospital and once again Gracie helped a stumbling Madelyn inside. She was immediately taken to a room to check her vitals. Madelyn squirmed and winced on the bed as Gracie held her hand beside her.

"You're doing great." Gracie said, trying to get Madelyn to relax. She didn't want her to have a freak out.

A nurse began to ask her questions.

"Is there any possibility you could be pregnant?" The nurse asked.

Madelyn giggled and pointed to Gracie. "Well she can't get me pregnant, so no."

She asked a few more questions while taking Madelyn's blood pressure and pulse. "Ok, we're going to move you to the radiology department for an ultrasound." The nurse said.

"Can she come with?" Madelyn asked quietly.

Gracie smiled and squeezed her hand.

"Of course." The nurse replied.

Gracie rubbed Madelyn's arm to soothe her as she winced from the ultrasound.

"Weenie tried to eat my underwear yesterday. He was running around with it in his mouth like the whole day." Gracie said, attempting to distract her girlfriend from the amount of pain she was in.

Madelyn smiled but didn't say anything. Gracie then ran her fingers through Madelyn's messy blonde hair.

"You're doing amazing baby." Gracie said.

Madelyn nodded as her eyes watered.

The ultrasound technician finished up a few minutes later and took both girls back to their original room. A doctor came in soon after. 

"Hi Madelyn. My name is Dr. Avery, I'm a gynecologic surgeon. I have good and bad news for you." She said.

Gracie held Madelyn's hand tightly.

"So the good news is that we know what's causing you this much pain, so we don't have to do anymore tests or scans. But the bad news is that it's a 5 inch ovarian cyst on your left ovary and it will have to be surgically removed immediately." Dr. Avery said. 

"I have to have surgery right now?" Madelyn asked, sounding surprised.

"Yes, the cyst is likely to rupture and cause debilitating pain if it is not removed right now." She said.

Madelyn laid her head back and took a deep breath.

"We'd like to get you into surgery in about an hour. In the meantime, I'll have the nurse give you some pain medication as well as something to relax you." The doctor said.

Madelyn and Gracie asked the doctor a few questions and she explained everything in depth. She described how it was going to be a laproscopic surgery, so Madelyn wouldn't have stitches and the scars would be minimal. Dr. Avery also explained how the recovery would be fast.

Madelyn shed a few more tears after the doctor left.

"It's ok." Gracie said as she hugged her.

"I'm so scared." Madelyn cried.

"I know. It'll be over before you know it. And I'll be here the whole time, ok?" Gracie said.

Madelyn nodded and sniffled.

"You'll be ok, I love you." Gracie said softly while stroking Madelyn's cheek.

"Thank you, I love you too." Madelyn replied.

The nurse returned with a few medications and she was prepped for the surgery. Gracie and Madelyn kissed as she was wheeled away. Gracie gave her some words of encouragement and held her hand until she couldn't walk any further with her.

The surgery only took about an hour. Gracie sat in the recovery room with Madelyn as she slowly awoke.

"Hi baby, how are you feeling?" Gracie asked.

Madelyn yawned and fluttered her eyelids. "Good." She whispered.

"Yeah?" Gracie asked.

"I can't feel anything." Madelyn said.

Gracie held Madelyn's cheek in her palm. "The doctor said you did really good. Everything went well." 

Madelyn closed her eyes again. She still had a lot of drugs in her system.

"I called your parents. They were worried but I let them know that you're out of surgery and doing ok." Gracie said.

"I love you. Kiss me." Madelyn said drowsily, still feeling the affects from the anesthesia. .

Gracie gave Madelyn a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"You need to rest." Gracie said.

Soon after, Madelyn was fast asleep. Gracie didn't let go of her hand once. This whole night worried and scared her, but she was glad that Madelyn was ok. She watched Madelyn breathe slowly as she slept. Even though she had just gotten out of surgery, she looked beautiful and Gracie smiled to herself. She still couldn't believe that she got to be her girlfriend. 

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