Chapter 1: The you I once Knew

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It was another day at the black dragon hideout, Izana was talking lightly with Kakucho when their attention turned to Ran who whistled aloud.

"Damn what a hottie~" Ran chuckled showing an old issue of the winter fashion magazine cover to Rindou.

"So this is your type? I admit she's pretty," Rindou said grabbing the magazine for a closer look.  On the cover was a beautiful young albino girl with orchid eyes. Her delicate features reminded him of somebody though...

Shion curious walked over to the brother's and snatched the magazine away.

"H~hey!" Ran playfully pouted. While Shion opened the article.

"Geh, this is a fashion magazine and the one the girls at school always get." Shion tossed it back to the brothers. "Geez I thought it was a porn magazine." He muttered.

"Tsk tsk! That's why girls don't like you Shion~ you don't have a sense of fashion. But Anzu is as pretty as ever I wond-" Ran was cut off by Izana forcefully stealing the magazine away.

"Izana?..." Rindou asked confused as Kakucho also approached from behind Izana. Izana's face was unusually serious as a strand of loose hair dangled down his face.

His eyes widened seeing the girl in the front of the magazine so he opened it straight to the page where she had an interview.

'I'd like to be inspirational to all girls trying to look their best. But more importantly there's someone I'm looking for so I need my face to be all over Japan to find him.'

"....Anzu...." Izana muttered a genuine smile forming on his face.

"Yeah that's Anzu, Anzu Kurokawa a new rising star....wait..." Ran's eyes widened at Izana's face that quickly turned back into his usual condescending smile.

"Izana..?" Kakucho asked this time.

"It's nothing~" He said walking out of the hideout.


Anzu POV

From the information I gathered Iza-nii was in an orphanage nearby then he often went to S.S. motors. At least that's what I've heard after asking around 20 different schools in the area I heard about black dragons.

"So this is S.S motors..." I muttered I had sunglasses and a hat on so I don't blame anyone for finding me suspicious what I didn't expect was this pretty boy to come right up to me.

"Hey, what are you doing loitering around here?" The blue eyed beast asked me. I looked around, he looked harmless enough.

"I'm here to pick up a personal order...uh...Sano Shinichiro was said to be handling it?" I bit my lip, I hope he buys it. Amongst my searching for black dragons I heard a name pop up here and there and it turns out he is the owner of this bike shop. He definitely knows something about Iza-nii.

The blue eyed beast eyes narrowed at me, shit was he suspicious. I relaxed when he sighed closing his eyes. "Come on in, Shinichiro-kun just went to buy something he'll be back in a bit." I followed him into the shop where multiple rough looking guys were chilling. "So what bike do you ride?" The boy asked.

"Inupi, Who's the chick?" A man with long hair and a toothpick asked.

"Wakasa-san, she said she had an order to pick up." The blue eyed beast well Inupi said.

"Hmm....okay," The long haired man, Wakasa said nonchalantly walking away.

"So?" Inupi asked me referring to his previous question.

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