Offical Trailer

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It's the eve before Christmas!
The Bad Guys have been good.

(The Bad Guys drive along the L.A. streets, excited for Christmas.)
Wolf: Ah, it's chilly as heck. That feels like Christmas already.
Shark: Hoo! Yes!
Tarantula: Christmas!!!!
Piranha: Best time of year for being with the family...which is all you guys. I love you so much.

Although back when they were bad on the holidays,
They cased each and every neighborhood.

Wolf: Don't you just love the holidays, guys?
Shark: Love? Oh, I don't love. I LIKE! The bright lights...
Piranha: The food, like turkey, and stuffing, and that schweet, schweet garlic mash...Mmm!
Tarantula: The decor always makes me giddy! (Gasps) Like that Santa balloon!
(She points to a giant Santa balloon in the distance.)
Tarantula: Like, how do they make him that big if he isn't that big in real life?
Wolf: Exactly! What about you, Tiff?

But although they've been spreading lots of cheer,
As hard as they could...

(Pan over to Tiff, who's sitting right beside Wolf, giddy as heck.)
Tiff: Eeeeeeee...
Wolf: Tiff?
(Tiff doesn't try to hold back her holiday hype as she babbles on excitedly.)
Tiff: Oh my gosh, I'm pretty excited! I mean, it's Christmastime already? Come ON, guys! Get into that festive mood! Y'know? Time to spread that holiday joy!
(She turns on the radio to the song "White Christmas" as she sings along beautifully.)
Tiff: I'm just dreaming...
Of a White Christmaaaaaaaaaaaas!
(Tiff's high note causes everyone on the block to stare at her in confusion. She sheepishly winces as she takes the wheel of the car.)
Tiff: Sorry, hehe.

Only one of the gang
Isn't cheery like she

(Cut back to the lair where the gang's setting up their hideout for the holidays.)
Tiff: Guys, I don't know if we should be good or bad.
Wolf: Why decide? Being good is AMAZING! Right, guys?
Shark: Of course!
Piranha: Woo!
Tarantula: Heard that right!

When Tiff and her crew crash the North Pole, things don't get much better.

Wolf: (sing-songy) Yo, Santa!
(The gang bust into the workshop in their car.)
Wolf: Don't mind us, just—
(Tiff spots a plate of Christmas cookies.)
Tiff: COOKIES!!!
(Tiff munches on all the cookies in one huge bite!)
Wolf:, no!

In fact, things get spicy chili on a sweater!

(Tiff's eyes go all purple and swirly as she gets a...)
Tarantula: Guys, RUN!
(A montage occurs of Tiff having fun while on her sugar rush, eventually ending with her filling up bag after bag of toys onto Santa's sleigh.)
Tiff: Whoo, mama! Who knew Christmassing could be this hard?!

But due to Tiff's sugar rush, Santa can't help but fear...
That if she can't deliver, there's no Christmas this year!

Santa Claus: My sleigh's too overloaded, which means...I might just have to hold out on the holidays.
Tiff, Wolf, Tarantula, and Shark: WHAAAAAAAAT???
Piranha (a little too late on his reaction time): Whaaaaat?

If she wants Christmas uncanceled,
Tiff knows what to do!

Santa: Tiffany Fluffit, if you can deliver every single one of these presents, and not just the ones in my sleigh here, this holiday season is saved! But if you don't before Christmas Day begins, I'm gonna have to cancel Christmas altogether. Like, for good!
Tiff: Santa Claus, you can count on me! I got this!

She won't just steal some gifts,
But she'll save Christmas too!

Tiff: Maybe being good and bad can be fun! Hey, guys! Look!
The rest of the gang: Whoa!
Tiff: I'm really doing it!
(Tiff crashes the sleigh.)
Tiff: Well, it's more like I'm failing at it spectacularly, but you get the idea!
Wolf: Heh.
Tarantula: Classic Tiff!

DreamWorks' The Bad Guys: Tiff 's Very Bad Holiday!

Shark: You think we should help her?
Piranha: Oh, definitely!
Wolf: Piranha, hit it!
Tarantula: It's all you, buddy!
Piranha: (singing amongst all the Bad Guys' efforts to help Tiff out) No matter where we are together,
We're making holiday dreams come true!
There's no better group I'd spend Christmas with than you!

Only on Wattpad this holiday season!

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