Part 18

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A/N: So...this is my first time adding songs to a part. Hope you like them!

start playing!
Funeral, by James Blake

Prowler's POV

I slowly moved my claws over to the boy in the suit, debating on how to get rid of him.

Snap his neck?


Stab him?

Too messy...

Suffocate him?

Too long...

The possibilities are endless, and I still can't choose.

Whatever. Let me get this over with so that I can get back to the house and rest. I am tired as hell, man. I have been all around town today – I just want to sleep.

I hope Miles doesn't turn up today-


That boy...

He knows too much.

But he's, my nephew. I can't kill him, just like that. If he just doesn't talk about it, I should be fine.

I have a job to do.

Once again, I reached out to the boy, deciding on just how I should kill him.

But then, just as I was about to slit his neck, I got a call.

I internally groaned. Oh, great.

"Hello?" I spoke.

"Prowler, you done with the kid?"

I glanced over to him. Blood stained the wall, and he lay unconscious. There was no telling when he was going to wake up – and I had beaten him pretty badly.

All of a sudden, I felt myself feeling an emotion I hadn't felt in years.


He's just a kid, and besides, he knows what's coming for him if he snitches.

No, Aaron. You're past this.

Lying to the boss is a bad idea. He'll find out.

He always does.

"Prowler?" I snapped out of my thoughts.

"...Yeah. I'm done. He's not comin' back any time soon."


Great. So, I'm risking my life for some crazy teenager.

How far you've come, Aaron.

"Hope you're grateful, kid," I muttered under my breath before disappearing into the subway station.

Miles's POV

I woke up with a splitting headache.

I felt groggy and I blinked, slowly opening my eyes.

Where am I...?

The memories began flowing back into my head, and my mind was flooded with fear, confusion, and pain.

I had just been beaten to a pulp by the Prowler...
why was I still alive?

The last thing I remembered was him approaching me, holding out his claws. He showed no intentions of letting me go, and I was no match for him. I knew for a fact that I was no match for him; his speed, strength, agility, and experience outmatched mine – even though I had been bitten by a radioactive spider that gave me powers.

A Tale of Two Spiders [BEING REWRITTEN ELSEWHERE]Where stories live. Discover now