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My name is Sophie, Sophie Clark. I have dark blond or light brown hair and blue eyes. I'm 25 years old and I live in Chicago. I was born in Ireland and moved to Chicago when I was 13. I am a actress, I'm not really famous but sometimes some people recognize me.

My best friend is Theo James. Yes the famous Theo James is my best friend. How I became best friends with him? It all began with a wrong phone call as I set my mother's kitchen on fire. That happened 3 years ago.

I thought it would be a great idea to cook for my mother. Well I set her kitchen on fire.. 
I dial my her number and she acutally picks up. Usually she doesn't pick up but when she picks up shortly before the voicemail comes up.

"Mom!" I start to talk very fast. "I'm so so so sorry. I set your whole kitchen on fire. Please don't be mad at me. I'll never cook again!"

"Well I won't be mad at you because I'm for sure not your mother." A deep british voice says. He chuckles before he starts talking again. "You've dialed the wrong number, love"

"Ohh I'm so sorry." Gosh why is everything I do so embarrassing??! "That's so embarrassing."

"Don't be embarrassed! We're all human and to be honest I set my mother's kitchen on fire too. But that happened a long time ago." His voice so is familiar but I don't know where I heard it.



"Was your mom mad at you?"

"Yes at first but I told her that I wanted to surprise her with lunch which was true. Then she wasn't that mad anymore."

"I wanted to surprise my mom with lunch too"

"You're kidding right?"

"Noo." We laugh.

"We should meet sometime"

"I won't meet with a stranger!!" Even if your voice is so damn familiar.

"I'm Theo, Theo James. Now that you know my name, I'm not a stranger anymore." He says. OMG I ACCIDENTALLY CALLED THEO F*CKING JAMES.

"I barely know you and that makes you still to a stranger" I only know him because he is famous but I don't know him personally.

"True. What's your name?"

"Sophie" I smile. Why did I just smiled?

"Okay Sophie, can we meet sometime? I would love to see you in person. And we can get know each other better"

"Uhm.." I don't know what to say. I meant I want to meet him but what if he's some kind of creep or something else..?

"So, can we or can we not?" He asks. "I swear I'm not some kind of creep or something else" I giggle.

"Okay we can meet"

"Okay where do you live?" He asks.

"Chicago, you?"


"What? I really called someone in London instead my mother who lives in my town?" I say. "That's crazy"

"Maybe the call was fate?" Is it weird that I kinda can feel his smile through the phone?

"Yeah maybe..uhm my phone has 5% battery life and I still need to inform my mother about her kitchen" I take a deep breath. "Call me whenever you're in town. Bye"

I hang up. I didn't let him say bye or something else. I'm so stupid, so famn stupid but hey I just talked with Theodore Peter James Kinnaird Taptiklis!!

A very special thank you to AnnaIglesias32 who made this amazing book cover!

I hate it if I have to wait for the character you're reading that fanfic. I decided to write the begining about how they get known each other.
I hope you like this first chapter. Please share, comment and vote. Thank you so much. Btw my first language isn't english so sorry for typos and so on.


Phone call of fate (Theo James fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now