Start from the beginning

he pulls out his phone and clicks on a random game he and y/n downloaded on his device from when they were browsing the play store together yesterday. ah, the good days when y/n would let him lean on his shoulder.

he yawns as he taps mindlessly, seishirou's getting drowsy enough to have y/n worry for him again.

when is y/n coming back? he needs a good pillow to sleep on before the blue light emitting from his screen wakes him up (and before he starts missing e/c eyes a bit too much for his liking).

suddenly, a thud gets the phone in his loose grip falls down the stairs. but before it could touch the ground, seishirou deftly catches it with his foot.

he hasn't lost the game yet, thankfully.

"dude! what the hell was that?!" the dude behind him exclaims. "are you on the soccer team?!"

this guy smells really good. like some sort of floral herbal but in purple, just like his face.

"oh, you're that rich guy's son. can you give me money? i don't play any sports. i just want to chill and do nothing for the rest of my life." seishirou says as he holds out his hand to him.

"bro, if you work hard, you can become a pro player!"

"work hard? sounds like a hassle, i'll pass." he'd rather spend the rest of his high school days rotting away with y/n (as transactional best friends!) anyway.

chill, seishirou. it has only been months since you met him.

reo puts his arm around him and leans in. the scent is lavender, seishirou thinks.

"that's fine! you don't need to change! say, what about playing soccer with me?"

"nagi-san?" y/n calls out too late, seishirou's not sleepy anymore. the h/c-ette glances towards reo. "and you're...." he tilts his head, "...mikage-san, right?"

reo grins. "that's me! and you must be this genius' friend! hey, mind if i steal him?"

"y/n, send help...." if seishirou fakes a faint, will y/n carry him away as though he's the sleeping beauty and he is his prince charming?

"steal him? why?" y/n tilts his head to the other side. seishirou's eyes find this motion very interesting.

"'cause i'm gonna win the FIFA world cup with him! oh, wait, since you're his friend, how about joining us?"

"soccer isn't my thing." y/n's usual inexpressive eyes felt a bit dimmer. his grip on the two melon breads mildly tightened. the two don't pry if they notice it.

"that's fine too! you can watch over us! or anything you want!" reo smiles an eye smile, bringing his other arm around y/n to pull him closer to them. "i'm mikage reo! we're in this together!"

"what a pain...." seishirou slumps. he glances at how y/n's eyes widen a little upon hearing reo saying 'together'. "but... 'kay. don't make me work, though."

reo grins even wider at that.

with a new addition to their lunch buddies group, after the dorayaki disaster, seishirou's routine changes once more.

the heir has been dragging them around the school to form a soccer club using his rich boy connections for days.

seishirou would be sick of it if it weren't for him piggybacking on reo and y/n looking a little too excited about these after-school hangouts of theirs.

today, there might be another slight modification to his routine. at least that's what seishirou thinks when he hears reo ask y/n,

"nice! are you coming, l/n?"

HEART TO HEART. blue lockWhere stories live. Discover now