Practical Problems of the Practical Exam

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Hello reader!
So there's not really gonna be a publication schedule or anything (as I talk to the 0 people that read my story as I type this) I'm really just writing when I feel like it. I enjoy writing and it clears my mind. So I hope you enjoy this next chapter!


Zach packed his gym clothes into his camel-bak and looked at himself in the mirror.

Can I do this? Have I used my Quirk enough? Am I as skilled as the other kids there?

Since Zach had moved around so much while in the foster system, he never had a chance to be in a regular middle school or even elementary school for that matter. Even when we did arrive to the Zoricos, schools saw Zach's reputation and turned him away. Zach was entirely home schooled by Lenora and Cathin Zorico.

Zach thought to himself. He'd be one of if not the only one showing up to the practical exam in casual clothes while everyone else will be in their middle school uniforms.

As Zach stared off in his own reflection, his sister Reya snuck up behind him.


Zach jumped and nearly fell over into his closet. He gets back up annoyed at his foster sister.

"REYA! Don't do that! I'm on edge as it is.

Reya replied, amused at her brother's reaction. "Well stop staring off into space. Breakfast is ready. You need to get your strength up if you wanna do good on that practical exam.
Reya was a soon to be second year student at Shiketsu High School, her quirk is hydrokenesis and is based from her mother's water vapor healing quirk. Though she would poke fun at Zach for wanting to go into U.A. But ultimately, her support in Zach's choice has pushed him beyond his previous limits. Ever since they were introduced, they were both a little cold to each other but over the first year, they finally grew to enjoy each other company and she became the closest thing Zach had ever known to a best friend and a real sister.

Zach runs out of his room with Reya and they sit at the table.
Lenora puts a waffle on each of their plates as their dad sit at the other end of the table from Lenora.

Cathin started to race Zach to see who can finish their waffles first as Reya and Lenora laughed at them.

"Alright! I'm ready to go!" Zach jumped back from the table.

He gave each of his family a hug before darting out the door, jumping straight over the steps and running to the train station.


Zach stood in awe at the gates of U.A. High school. His mind started racing on what the practical exams might be like.

Will we demonstrate our quirks? Or maybe an interview? What does the most successful hero school in Japan have in store?

As Zach moved forward through the gates, he sees a blonde boy shouting at a small green hair kid.
Man, I'd hate to be in his class. He seems to be the mayor of asshole-ville.

Zach walked to his seat deemed by the number he was given and sat down. He looked around seeing many students around. Though he couldn't figure out everyone's quirks, he could see the ones with physical quirks. He saw a boy with six arms, a girl with vines for hair and a pink-skinned girl.

I wonder what they've got up their sleeves?

In an instant the lights dimmed and the sound hero, Present Mic, make a loud shout getting everyone's attention.

"Hello Future students! ARE YOU READY TO GET THIS STARTED!"


He continued to say how the practical exam would be held.
There are three type of faux-villains. One worth 1 point, another worth 2 and another worth 3. As Zach wrote in a small notepad a taller stature raised his hand and starts shouting.

"Excuse me! It says on the pamphlet that there is a fourth faux-villain, if this is a mistake, then surely the most prestigious hero school in Japan would now make such a mistake!" He boy then turns his attention to a boy a few seats in front of him
"And you! Your constant mumbling Is distracting! If you intend to distract everyone then you should leave!"

Damn, he's definitely a stick in the mud.

After the boy finished his rant, Present Mic explained that the fourth faux-villain was worth zero points and should be avoided. Zach noted that and wrote it down.


They let us out of the auditorium like room and showed the students to locker rooms for boys and girls. As Zach got into his gym clothes, a boy with weird circular elbows got his sweatshirt stuck in one of the lookers. Zach decided to walk over and see if he could help.

"You alright?"
The boy looked over and gave an embarrassed smile.
"Yeah, just a little stuck as all, I'm fine other than that."

Zach looked at the locker door and focused. In a flash of green holographic light, a version of Zach flashed from him and slammed the lock a few times and the door opened with a creek.

"Voilà" Zach exclaimed with a cheeky grin as the boy stared in disbelief at what happened.
"Dang! Thanks man."

Zach chuckled for a second and replied
"No problem, Zach Zorico, it's nice to meet ya."

The boy gave a wide grin
"Hanta Sero, good to meet you Zach. Thanks for the help."
Zach smiles. "No problem"

The two walk out of the locker room and headed to ground alpha.

As the boys stood in front of the huge door to Ground Alpha, they looked around at the other examinees then back to each other.

"What do you think they'll have in store for us?" Zach asked nervously, to which Sero replied
"No clue, but I'd bet it won't be easy."
As their minds raced through thoughts of what was behind the massive door, a voice echoed from a loud speaker
Present Mic sounded from it

"START!........What are ya waiting for?! Real fights don't have a count down!"

From that statement, everyone started running and sprinting towards the entrance to the battle ground.

Zach started running with Sero in tow. As they ran Zach readies himself for what awaits.

Let the true exam begin!


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