Y/N is a new recruit in KorTac!!

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Y/N is a woman who had JUST recently turned 30, she's been in the military since her 20's so she has the requirements needed for special forces...besides, shes always fantasized about being in the Special forces!

She had just recently she's applied to the special forces group called KorTac. Luckily, they accepted and had recruited her! Today is the day she finally comes in and begins her... Interesting journey in KorTac.

Y/N walked in, Her gun in its case and her uniform slightly loose as it's not very well adjusted, she is exhausted after a long flight from her own country all the way to here, to KorTac base.
Y/N would immediately head to a little table in the briefing room, the briefing room contained some coffee, she could really use a good cup of coffee after that painful flight alongside that 8 hour long training before she had to leave.

She made the coffee, unaware of the operator slowly creeping up behind her, the rather... Awkward operator who just wants a coffee for himself, König. That tall awkward guy... Yeah, him. What could he want?

Y/N's back is turned to König, she has no idea he's right up behind her at the moment. König reaches for the sugar container and Y/N's senses are dulled from the recent flight and training sessions, she doesn't notice König at all. In fact, he stands awkwardly close to Y/N before attempting to speak.
He tried to catch her attention, awkwardly speaking in a very quiet tone of voice, the sound of the water and milk boiling in the coffee machine instead cuts him off, leaving him to awkwardly stand behind Y/N until she hopefully notices him soon.

After a good solid 3 minutes she pours the coffee and sips it out of the brim stained mug that was probably passed down by 3 different generations.
Even though the coffee was piping hot, she still sipped on it. The poor caffeine had little to no affect on her, it was pathetic!

König on the other hand... He continued to awkwardly stand behind her, not saying a single word while she was just oblivious to his presence.
Königs social anxiety always made it difficult for him to talk to others, ask other people for stuff, help people directly or even just engage in simple conversation. König isn't exactly "shy", he's PAINFULLY awkward.

Soon, Y/N turned, stepped forward and planted right into Königs torso. Since Y/N stood around 6'0 she wasn't much taller than König who stood at his iconic 6'10 mountain height.
Y/N was staring up at König with her slightly wide eyes, unsure whether to feel intimidated, aroused or scared shitless... Or all three?

König looked down at Y/N with his ice blue eyes, its an easy feature to remember, those fuckers pierce through her skull.
He spoke with his thick German accent and pitchy-like voice.

".. Can you.. Move?...."

Y/N didn't say much, she simply stepped aside, giving König access to the coffee. Y/N would soon decide to strike up a conversation, hopefully not gonna embarrass herself in front of this rather very attractive hooded man.

" Oh- sorry, uhm...I'm Y/N. Y/N (ur last name)... You're König, right? A colonel?"

Y/N attempted to speak in a casual tone, in a tone that she used to sound less awkward. What was a little more awkward was her tiny nervous grin, just a little curl at the lip.
König looked over at Y/N, avoiding her eyes but still looking at her in hopes she doesn't notice his eyes staring at her nose bridge, eyelashes and cheeks very intently.
He's staring at her features in hopes it'll give the look at he's staring at her eyes and maintaining eye contact, and that's failing quite miserably.
König spoke up, his tone slightly lowering but only because he's unsure of Y/N's feelings, he's unsure of what her opinion on him is...

"..uh. Ja, you're theee...the new recruit.. So Y/N, right..."

Y/N nodded, she was happy he's engaging in conversation even when it's THIS awkward.

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