romance bbg

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Blah blah blah

There was a boy named dominican pizza worker, he was walking on a night where creepers whisper ass ass ass
And then he saw a cave. Dominican went in and saw a giant statue holding somthing under the moon light. He looked at and grabbed it dominican said "what the heck is this? Why js there a thing saying saban????" And the  he walked away like he bout to rizz his crush.

He was stilll walking u thought he is at home naw he is moon walking i guess-
(At the cafe) 

Dominican walked in to see his crush aka yo mom(nah jk his name is gabe).
*in mind:look like he is still here at the night shift*
"Hey what can i get yo- WAIT Dominican?" Said gabe
Dominic said "hey gabe" in a shy way
"Whats upp *pats dominican back*
*domican looks back to see a empty table*

Sorry is short im LAZY AS FUCK BOIII

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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