Chapter Twenty one

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That right there, was Chandni's first thought as Advay's lips brushed ever so softly against hers. As if she had reached her destination. A gesture that expressed warmth and comfort. A featherlight touch that was Oh, so sweet and lovely!And her maiden one.

Was this how a first kiss was supposed to feel like? To feel like you were valued and cherished?  A simple kiss that expressed a lot more than a thousand words could.

The tenderness of it all overwhelmed her to such an extent that there was a lone tear trailing down her cheek as her eyelids closed.

Advay on the other hand kept his eyes open as he leaned forward to kiss her. It felt natural to be holding his wife and kissing her as if she was the most precious thing on earth. As if he had done it a million times before. And wanted to do it infinite times more, he realised not surprisingly.

Warm liquid landed on his fingertips where it held her jaw. Frowning, he pulled away a little and swiped at her cheek. As her black orbs opened and met his, he whispered, "Shhh. Don't cry, Chandni. Please don't."

A rare smile of contentment grazed her lips before she answered, "I am not. These are....are happy tears, knowing that you believe me and that I am safe." She surprised herself and her husband with her confession.

Advay was stunned into silence. It took him a moment to absorb what his wife had just stated. She astonished him every single time!

The realisation that he was instrumental in bringing peace to her emotional state brought unknown joy to him. And he chose to express it right away.

Jerking her body to his, he saw her eyes widen in suprise. His lips urgently descended  down hers. Fingers of one hand splayed on her upper back plastering her semi clad torso to his bare one, while the digits of the other bunched into her hair.

Now this kiss was anything but tender. It was passion. Pure, raw and uninhibited. And it blew Chandini away!

She took less than a second to respond to his demanding mouth. As her body came into contact with his, she let out an inaudible gasp. He took advantage of it to plunge his tongue into the hot recesses of her mouth.

A range of different emotions held Chandini captive as her husband explored the soft contours of her mouth.
Advay's tongue sought hers and a shudder went through her body before she succumbed to his silent demand. He teased her tongue with a nip and soothed it with a flick of his own. The requirement for air alone made Advay unwillingly tear his lips away from hers.

He did not waste a single moment though, as his mouth trailed down her jawline to the hollow of her neck to suck on her pulse point. Chandni's head fell back automatically in pleasure.

Pleased with having given enough attention to the base of her neck, his lips continued their downward journey to the upper swell of her breast. His nose nudged the strap of the bra aside as his teeth bit gently into her tender flesh. A soft whimper left her mouth and her nails dug into his skin at his action. He brought her body closer to his, if that was even possible.

He looked up to see a blush working its way up her chest and smiled in satisfaction. Removing the hand that held her hair, he slid his fingers down her throat to the shoulder where the loosened strap dangled. He pushed it further down her arm to expose one milky globe to his view.

Advay was awestruck, his eyes glued to the sight before him for what seemed like eternity. Black tresses flowing down her back, face flushed red, one dusky hardened peak exposed and breathing ragged, his wife posed an erotic picture of a creature in the throes of passion. And his pulse raced with anticipation at the thought of immersing himself in it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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