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"Sirius's brother is staring at you." James told Nessa as he sat down beside her at the Ravenclaw table

Nessa laid her head on her twin's shoulder, "He did hear me tell you that he was going to die. Anyone would be curious."

"I don't like it." He replied

She sighed, "Leave it alone for now."

Niylah looked over at the Gryffindor table and then back at the twins, "Lily Evans is looking at you." She informed James

"Is she?" He asked, unusually disinterested

Don't get him wrong, he was very excited to marry Lily and have a child with her but his twin came first.

The twins were silent for a moment before Nessa spoke again, "Don't let Snape and the others antagonize you." She warned her twin, "You and Sirius need to start ignoring them. Pranks are fine, but only harmless pranks."

Pandora and Niylah watched the twins with interest. It was true that Nessa was against the bullying of Slytherins as a whole but she didn't try to stop her twin and the other marauders from pranking those who looked down on half-bloods and Muggleborns.

Whatever happened last night must have changed something.

Professor Flitwick came over to them, "Here are your schedules, Ms. Abbott, Ms. Lestrange, Ms. Potter." He said handing out the schedules, "Mr. Potter, Professor McGonagall will have your schedule."

James left to table briefly to get his schedule and then returned back to the Ravenclaw table. The twins memorized their own schedules before they traded schedules and spent the next few minutes trying to memorize each other's schedules.

This was something they did every year. They also had the password to each other's common rooms just in case something happened to either one of them.

When they got their own schedules back, they started comparing to see what classes they would have together for the year.

"On Mondays, we have double Herbology together. On Tuesdays, we have Care of Magical Creatures and Astronomy together. On Wednesdays, we have double Defense together." James said and then pouted, "That all the classes we have together."

Nessa took a bite of toast, "You're the only who chose to take Muggle Studies." She told him then looked at Niylah and Pandora, "I can't believe you two took Arithmacy and Ancient Runes."

Pandora smiled sernely, "Runes will be useful in the future."

Niylah shrugged, "Divination is rubbish."

The seer scoffed out a laugh, "For you. For me, it's supposed to help my ability."


Contrary to popular belief, Lily Evans did not hate James Potter.

True, she thought he was obnoxious, loud, arrogant and a bit of a bully, however, she could also see how much he cared about his twin sister and his friends and how loyal he was to them, how smart he was (though he pretended otherwise), how he helped the younger students when they were lost.

She turned her head again to watch him at the Ravenclaw table with Jenessa, Niylah and Pandora.

"And you say you don't like James." Alice teased

Lily went as red as her hair and whipped her head around to glare at her friends, "I do not like that arrogant toerag!" She denied

Marlene and Alice shared a look of disbelief.

"Talking about Prongs are we, Evans?" The annoying voice of Sirius Black asked from behind her

She sighed, "Talk about one, we summon all of them." She told the girls

Sirius, Remus and Peter all sat down beside her.

"Good morning Remus, Peter and Black." Lily greeted

The boys echoed the greeting. Silence followed as none of the 6 knew what to say. Sure, they were all Gryffindors, Marlene played Quidditch with James and Sirius, and Lily and Remus studied together a lot, but they really didn't have anything in common.

"We think something happened to Nessa." Peter blurted out to the girls

Three sets of eyes shifted to him as Sirius and Remus gave him a look.

Alice frowned in concern, "Is she okay?"

The shortest Marauder shrugged, "Dunno. McGonagall took Prongs maybe 3 hours after curfew. He only came back briefly to freshen up before brekkie."

All three girls had matching frowns. It must have been serious for Flitwick to wake up McGonagall and have her wake James up.

"Is Jenessa okay? Is James okay if she's not okay?" Lily asked sincerely

"Nessie's doing better now." James said from behind her, "On Mondays, we have double Herbology with her. On Tuesdays, we have Care of Magical Creatures and Astronomy with her. On Wednesdays, we have double Defense with her." He told his friends

The redhead turned so she could see him as did Sirius, Remus and Peter.

"What happened Prongs?" Remus asked

James looked back at his twin and then to his friends, "That's for Ness to tell of she wants." He said, his tone leaving no room for arguing

Alice, Lily, Marlene, Peter, Remus and Sirius were quiet, not knowing what to say to that. The Potter boy looked at each one of them, "Is anybody taking Divination this year?" He asked

Alice raised her hand slightly, "I am. So are Hestia and Dorcas."

The bespectacled teen had a look on his face that Lily couldn't quite place, "Would you keep an eye on Nessa in that class for me?" He asked

The short haired brunette nodded, "Of course. Anything specific you're worried about?"

James bit the inside of his cheek, "If she's not focusing, if she's pale, if she faints." He listed

Again, the three Gryffindor girls shared a look.

Something was going on with Jenessa Potter. Something that worried James and it was something not even his closest friends knew.

Which was understandable as it was Nessa's health and it didn't need to be spread across Hogwarts.

Not that James would do that.

Lily saw how much the twins cared for one another. Hell, they even instead they could feel each other's pain and somehow always knew where the other one was... Even if they were at opposite ends of the school.

"You should tell Nessa, Niylah and Pandora to join us one day for a meal." She told the boy

Marlene nodded in agreement, "We'll get Hestia, Dorcas, Mary and Emmeline to join us as well."

The Potter boy gave them a small smile, "I'll get her." He said before moving back to the Ravenclaw table

He came back with the three Ravenclaw girls, "Nessie, I found you three more friends." He said proudly, "These three lovely ladies want you three to join them and a few others for a meal."

Nessa gave them all a smile, "That would be lovely I think." She told them


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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