Chapter 1 - Oblivious

Comenzar desde el principio

A soft chime of a bell later, you were inside the last shop on Brûlée's list. It was a clothing store, carrying everything one could think of in every single size possible. Normal daywear, accessories and even underwear were beautifully displayed in the little shop. However, nothing seemed to fit Brûlée's style.

Brushing your fingers along some pants that were hanging on a rack next to you, you voiced your bewilderment.

"Are you switching styles?"

"Oh no," the woman laughed, "I just need to get something for Katakuri-onii-chan and then I'm all good."

For Katakuri?

Her remark made you stop your actions. With your fingertips still touching a black pair of pants, you turned to your in-law, quirking an eyebrow in confusion, but instead of her, you were met with her holding an assortment of different belts into your face.

"Which one do you think he'll like the most?"

Taken aback by her question, you forgot to ask her why she wanted to get Katakuri something, and instead pointed at a belt you thought he'd like.

It was a greyish belt with dull studs all over it. Considering your husband wore belts literally everywhere he could think of, you decided against the ones that had spiky studs that could poke him depending on where he wore them. Plus, the greyish colour fit his usual colour palette, as well as the colour of the spikes he wore all over his legs and arms.

"Great, thanks (Y/N)," the purplette chimed before she rushed off to the counter.

You were left in the store, watching her figure disappear between racks with an expression on your face that had somehow perfectly morphed confusion and bewilderment into one. Nothing you had done all day had made any sense, and worst of all, no one cared to tell you what it was all about. You also hadn't failed to notice that multiple people had asked you to deliver their warmest congratulations to the first Sweet Commander, and whilst you promised them that you would with a gentle smile on your lips, you couldn't help but wonder what they were all on about.

And now even Brûlée was getting something for Katakuri.

Did I miss something?

This day was getting increasingly more confusing, as not to say irritating. Dismissing your confusion with a brief shake of your head, you roamed the rest of the shop for yourself as you waited for Brûlée to come back, and you stopped when you reached the lingerie aisle.

With a quick glance in every direction, you entered the aisle to browse whatever they had. You weren't necessarily planning on buying something, but it was nice to check out what they had. Since your family had rendered an existing love life impossible for you as they couldn't keep their nose out of your business, you had never owned something cute.

But now you had a husband, and you'd have lied if the idea of getting something didn't pique your interest. Even if just a little.

Does Katakuri like stuff like that?

Your face flushed a deep red as the thought crossed your mind, and whilst part of you wanted to evaporate into thin air out of embarrassment – all of this was entirely new territory for you – an even bigger part kept dragging you into the aisle, and before you even realised it, you were browsing through the assortment they offered.

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