Part II, Chapter Thirteen: This Might Bite Me In The Ass In About 4 Years

Start from the beginning

"The mark..." The older demigod's voice faded as she felt right around where the red spot was. "oh uh... So you know how you said that you and Grover are a lot like me and Silena?"

I nodded my head in anticipation.

"We..." She took another breath, trying to steady herself. "We aren't f— okay, bad wording. I was stupidly nervous the entire time when I was talking to her about it, but we aren't just friends anymore."

Clarisse paused, smiling just a little bit.

"Silena's my girlfriend now. She gave me a kiss on the forehead, I guess her lipstick left a mark."

I couldn't help but smile back.

We're gonna have to get them a U-haul by the time this quest is completed.

"That's great, Clarisse, what—"


"Oh shit, they need help," she realized very suddenly, grabbing her spear. "Come on, Mr. GPS, let's go."

Shoving my spear into it's holster, I opted to grab Riptide from my pocket and followed the daughter of my number one personal hater upstairs.

"What's going—"

"DUCK!" Annabeth, Silena, and Tyson all yelled as we opened the door and immediately noticed the most grotesque creature I've ever seen— which is saying a lot considering the fact that I've fought both leathery old ladies and a half bull man who was in a pair of tighty whiteys.

Hitting the deck and looking up at the creature once again, it was grotesque in a way that was different than the Furies or the Minotaur.

From one of it's many heads (did it really have six heads?), there were these wiggly, dangly bits of skin that just reminded me of a gross beard that had caught food in it from eating. But rather than being humanoid, it had six serpent like head and necks.

Oh, and it was almost as big as our ship.

So when it came diving down towards the ship, trying to grab one of us to have for a midnight snack, we didn't scream at all.

Not even a little bit.

"Bad hungry monster!" Tyson yelled, which... I couldn't fault him on the claim, though I didn't love how he called for the monsters attention. "Leave us alone!"

It screamed/growled something back, which only really resulted in some spit falling onto the deck.

"Here!" My weird little half brother responded, even though I'm sure he couldn't understand the thing.

Opening his bag, Tyson grabbed his last peanut butter sandwich and threw it to the monster, who uh... Didn't even care enough to try and catch it.

The sandwich fell into the ocean.

News flash readers: don't throw your lunch into the ocean. It was more enough to piss the Atlantic Ocean off, which is something I didn't even realize was possible.

Please explain this to me: how did the ocean grow teeth.

"Tyson!" I yelled out, unsure myself if it was out of annoyance or out of concern. "Go... Go check the boiler room, make sure nothing explodes on us, okay? If we're stuck here..."

The ship shuddered.

"She won't steer for me, Ms. La Rue!" The zombie manning the wheel yelled out. "If we can't subdue the big mouthed monster, we'll have to jump!"

"We— speak for yourself, you guys already died!" Clarisse responded. "Annie, do you know anything about this monster?"

"Oh, so now you guys want to hear what I have to say?"

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