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Name: Cerberus BLANK|Aliases: Wolf

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Name: Cerberus BLANK
Aliases: Wolf.
Three headed dog.
Age: 24
Sex: Obliviously a female. I lied.
He's a guy.
Relatives: Parents (Deceased)
No siblings.
Group: "The Cult of BLANK"
Equipment: His version/off-brand of cult clothes with his little hat.
Ritual knife. Revolver.
A gift from a fancy little friend.
Special about him: His blood type is Rh-null.
Or Golden Blood.
Bits of his background.

Cerberus is a member of a cult dedicated to appeasing demons and unworldly beings, needing of them to make themselves powerful then others.
He was born into this cult with no saying in the matter and was supposed to be sacrificed but ended up living instead. He sacrificed his parents when he came of age.

Cerberus is the only member of the cult that a demon interacted and gave him a gift thanks to his blood, blood that was favored and adored by the demon.
But for the gift the demon gave, the demon demanded something else then just Cerberus' Golden Blood. They demanded souls of humans, slain and have their souls harvested into the gift.
Without much choice, Cerberus agreed to their demands.

He's a killer for the demon, years passed.



Name: Andrew Graves|Aliases: Andy|Age: 22|Sex: Male|Relatives: Ashly Graves (Sister)Parents (status, unknown)|Group: I guess in a duo with his sister|Equipment: Not much

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Name: Andrew Graves
Aliases: Andy
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Relatives: Ashly Graves (Sister)
Parents (status, unknown)
Group: I guess in a duo with his sister
Equipment: Not much.

He uses a cleaver time to time.
Cigarettes and a lighter.
Special about him: His blood type is AB.
Agreeably rare, arguably useless.
Bits of his background.

Andrew is the eldest and only son of Mr. and Mrs. Graves as a result of a teen pregnancy. Two years later, Ashley was born and their mother tasked him with Ashley's care. Due to their parents' negligence, Andrew was both older brother and primary caretaker to Ashley. The two were practically inseparable growing and, combined with Andrew's role as brother and caregiver, led to a codependent and toxic relationship between them.


Name: Ashly Graves|Aliases: LeyLey |Age: 20|Sex: Female|Relatives: Andrew Graves (Brother)Parents (status, unknown)|Group: In a duo with her doormat of a brother!|Equipment: Don't need much

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Name: Ashly Graves
Aliases: LeyLey
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Relatives: Andrew Graves (Brother)
Parents (status, unknown)
Group: In a duo with her doormat of a brother!
Equipment: Don't need much.
She likes knives, knives are fun!
Soon, a gift...
Special about her: Her blood type is AB.
Who cares?
Bits of her background.

Ashley is the second child and only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Graves. Since their parents thought she would be 'easy' to raise, Ashley's primary caretaker had been Andrew. It is suggested that Ashley did not have a proper and comfortable place at the family's dining table. More than that, Ashley felt constantly neglected and othered by her parents. It was Andrew who fulfilled the role of mother and father for Ashley but, as a child himself, he would spoil her and cater to her every demand in exchange. One of Ashley's fondest memories includes Andrew spending his allowance to buy her lemon muffin cakes for mini birthday cakes.



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