CH 9: The Truth

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Brynden Rivers 292 A.C

It was only as he walked back out of Gwenys' tower that Brynden could begin to comprehend everything that had just happened. He had more family now than he knew, something he was desperately glad of. To find out he had an aunt who must have been nearly a hundred was a shock in itself but the revelation around Walder's imprisonment and the survival of Bloodraven being something that topped his list of surprises for the day.

What he had just agreed to was something that required much thought. Brynden knew he needed a plan, now more than ever. Firstly, if Bloodraven was north of The Wall he needed to get to The Wall itself. He didn't know The Night's Watch's policy for visitation but it was always better to prepare for the worst. His visit to the watch, he feared, was going to be something made permanent. To Brynden, there was no other way around it, in order to free his cousin and protect his family he would have to join the brothers of the watch.

For now he had to return to his room to ready himself for the night's feast. No doubt the king's presence required a large celebration, there was also the return of the lord himself which was another thing to celebrate. Brynden was excited to see the large festivities ahead, he'd always enjoyed when they'd feasted visiting lords at Raventree Hall. As he sat on his bed he contemplated his path forward further. Jason couldn't come with him; he'd not force the watch's vows on him. But then there was the next question, he couldn't just leave Jason here. As his musings were interrupted by a knock on the door he resolved to find an answer in the morning, for now he could enjoy himself.

He followed the servant for no more than a few steps before she turned and knocked on the door to the room next to his own. They waited a few moments before the door swung open to reveal the Ser Jaime Lannister. The colours of his outfit alongside his obvious features giving his identity away. The servant then began walking away towards the great hall of Winterfell. Brynden and Jaime fell in side-by-side behind her. Brynden couldn't keep his eyes off of the legendary figure beside him. Eventually this drew Jaime's ire however.

"Spit it out lad, say what you wish to."

Brynden's mouth fell open. "I apologise My Lord, it's an honour to meet you."

Jaime eyes widened slightly. "I don't think I know your name?"

"Brynden Blackwood My Lord."

"Well it's good to meet you Brynden."

After the pair had exchanged greetings they fell into silence, a silence which lasted until they arrived at the hall. Inside the festivities had already started. There was a band in the corner playing classic northern tunes with a crowd surrounding singing along, there were groups of soldiers in circles exchanging stories and as the pair approached the high table the Stark family came into view. Lord Stark was seen talking to Robb beside him while Lady Catelyn was trying to talk to Sansa while failing to take her eyes off of the king. Who's head and hands where deep inside a servant's top. Brynden scowled at the sight, something he was surprised to see Jaime mirror. It took Lord Stark a few moments to notice the king's actions. Once he had done his face seemed closer to Brynden and Jaime's then that of the king's best friend. Brynden tried looking for Jon but couldn't see him sat with the Starks. It was only after he'd sat down beside Robb that he could make out Jon sat at the back of the hall similar to how he had been on his first night in Winterfell. Brynden allowed himself a few moments with the Starks, introducing himself to Lord Stark who told him they'd talk soon, before excusing himself to go and sit with Jon. Something Lady Catelyn was clearly unimpressed with if her expression was anything to go by. The night was long but Jon and Brynden ate and laughed throughout, the pair growing closer. Brynden kept his eyes on the high table and was amused to see Lady Catelyn's glare darting from Jon to the king who had continued to enjoy himself thoroughly. It was Jaime's expression though that caught his eye. He was clearly uninterested with the group sat beside him and instead, Brynden noticed, his eyes flickered over to his table frequently during the event. What interest did Jaime Lannister have with Jon Snow?

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