Little Shades grumpy moment

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In a Saturday Afternoon, the Royale Siblings were at home, Sonic was at work, and Knuckles is at the grocery store with his mother-in-law.

Though Risa accidentally spilled some milk on little Shades teddy bear.

Maddox gasped and said, "Oh no. You spilled milk on Shades teddy bear."

Risa replied, "It was an accident Mad. You outta know that."

The two argued a little bit Satoko 'studying for a test' said, "You May wanna keep it down, you two don't wanna wake up Shade."

The two looked at Shade asleep on the couch.

Risa asked, "He is 4 years old and he still takes naps?"

That's when Flaire sat down as Satoko asked, "How come you don't nap Flaire?"

Flaire replied, "I'm starting school with Shade in a few days. Why push it?"

Satoko shrugged and nodded in agreement.

Risa asked, "What are we gonna do?" Maddox replied, "Maybe we can wash it."

Risa replied, "Are you crazy?! We don't know how."

That's when Shade woke up from Risa's question.

Flaire sighed deeply and said, "Oh no. Shade's awake."

Shade had a grouchy look on his face as he yawned.

Shade looked at his teddy bear and asked in a grumpy tone, "Okay, which one of you spilled milk on my teddy bear?"

He growled as Risa and Maddox shook in fear.

Flaire asked, "Should we do something?"

Satoko said, "Well both our Dad's are gonna be home any minute now."

That's when on cue, both Sonic and Knuckles got home.

Knuckles sighed deeply and said to him, "I'm telling you honey the school supplies for the boys were not cheap as they said they were. Especially those pencil sharpeners."

Sonic replied, "Geez, try telling that to the school supplies I bought for Satoko when she entered high school."

That's when they entered and see Shade shaking Risa.

Sonic whispered, "Looks like Shade woke up in a bad mood again."

Knuckles replied, "Imagine how much of an awful mood he would be if we woke him up for school."

Sonic smiled a little at him and said, "I'll handle it sweetie."

Knuckles then said, "Your a saint babe." The two kissed before Sonic asked Shade, "Son what happened?"

Shade stopped and realized what he did. He cried a little and said, "I'm sorry Risa."

Risa replied breathed a little, "It's okay Bro."

That's when Shade told Sonic what happened when he woke up.

Risa said, "I spilled my milk on his teddy bear by accident. I'm sorry."

Sonic replied, "Thats okay sweetie. Accidents happen."

That's when Sonic turn to Shade and said, "I'll tell you what, I'll wash your teddy bear with your laundry. And Flaires. Right now I gotta help your other father with the groceries and yours and Flaires schools supplies."

Flaire asked, "Is some of them maroon?" Sonic answered, "Only the school books son."

Shade sighed as Satoko cleaned up the spilled milk and resumed studying.

It was another family moment at the Royale residence.

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