4. Griffins brother

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The groupchat

Space boy: yall we should try to get billy and griffin together
Gangstaa: good idea
Little miss perfect: ill help!
Eagle boy: tysm guys
Little miss perfect: wbu vance u gonna help?
Eagle boy: hes asleep
Gangstaa: how do you know?
Eagle boy: I-NO REASON
Gangstaa: mhmm.... Dont think i cant see what your doing griffin
Eagle boy: wtv im going offline
Space boy: ok bruce plan?
Little miss perfect: we should become friends with billy and add him to the gc so they can talk more and tbh i wanna see what hes actually like and why griffin likes him
Gangstaa: makes alot more sense why you wanna do this now
Little miss perfect: 😜
Eagle boy: you should listen to if you seek amy by britney spears
Space boy: got it ima go listen
Eagle boy: ok lmk if you like it
Gangstaa: when is vance gonna wake up
Little miss perfect: ikr
Space boy: griffin this a bop
Eagle boy: frr
Pinnedballs: good morning to yall
Gangstaa: vance r u ok?
Pinnedballs: wdym
Gangstaa: idk its just you never rlly say Goodmorning or anything
Pinnedballs: tf is that supposed to mean
Gangstaa: nothing dont worry about it.
Space boy: goodmorning vance
Little miss perfect: good morning
Eagle boy: gm
Pinnedballs: griffin what period do you have this billy kid
Eagle boy: why?
Pinnedballs: no reason 😊
Eagle boy: you will not touch billy or im gonna fucking tell mom bitch
Gangstaa: your gonna go to his house and tell his mom
Eagle boy: yea sure
Space boy: thats so much work
Eagle boy: nah we live close enough together
Pinnedballs: please dont tell mom
Eagle boy: as long as you dont touch billy
Pinnedballs: AUGHHHH FUCKK
eagle boy: 🙄
Little miss perfect: yall fr fight like siblings sometimes
Space boy: ikr??
Gangstaa: guys my brain just imploded i have pieced everything together
Eagle boy: what tf do you mean
Pinnedballs: yeah birdie what tf do you mean
Gangstaa: didnt vance mention how he has a little brother? He never told us his little brothers name and whenever we go over he says his little brother is out with some friends and griffins never with us when that happens and griffin just reffered to vances mom as just mom not vances mom or nth
Space boy: hey wait your right
Little miss perfect: vance?
Pinnedballs: ok yes griffin is my little brother fuck off
Eagle boy: i hate you robin if only your smarts would lack the one time i needed them to
Space boy: 😭

The next morning

Pinnedballs: hi
Gangstaa: hi your up pretty early
Pinnedballs: yeah my mom made me wake up cause "my sleep schedule is fucked up" her words not mine 🙄
Little miss perfect: hi vance
Pinnedballs: hi bruce
Gangstaa: tf is going on with yall?
Eagle boy: bruce is all butthurt cause vance never told him i was his brother
Little miss perfect: am not!
Eagle boy: are too!
Little miss perfect :fuck you
Eagle boy: wtv i gotta get to class anyway i suggest yall do the same
Space boy: me and robin are already waiting for first period to be called
Pinnedballs: im walking with griffy
Little miss perfect: FUCK IM GONNA BE LATE
Eagle boy: yeah
Eagle boy: oh shit i got caught on my phone i gtg bye yall
All: bye

Griffin has added billy showalter

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