Chapter - 5 The One With The Red Love

Start from the beginning

RG pushed him away and undid the latch of the door. She left the door ajar and sat on her bed.

Rajat sat in front of her. He knew he cant push her, so he decided to let the matter go for time being and make her say that she loves him somehow later.

Rajat- baby lets not discuss this tonight. Its ok. You take your time and I am happy that we had our first serious fight.

RG sighed and turned away. She did feel bad for hurting him. He was only trying to be sweet and it was she who gave him that space.

Rajat was about to leave the room when he heard her say.

RG- yes. Mom loves you. All my friends think you are the best for me. All this means something to me, Rajat.

Rajat smiled.

Rajat - this is more than enough, baby. Good night.

Once he left, she leaned back on her bed.

Rajat going away with her one firm no, made her feel good and powerful. 'I can say a 'no' to anyone. I can stop anyone from touching me. That's me. That's the powerful, fierce and independent Rupali. The Rupali. The world looks up to. That's why Rajat is the right person for me. He makes me feel powerful. Unlike Gaurav. With Gaurav, am weak. I can't stop him from anything - not from touching me, not from playing with my feelings. I get hurt and let myself to be hurt. He isn't the person for me. He is not good for me. He is just a distraction.' her eyes started to shut down.

She felt drowsy, tired but everything reminded her of him.

She touched all the places he kissed her, bit her, every inch of her skin that his fingers grazed, re-lived every sensation he gave her, remembered his dark eyes looking at her soul and caressing her heart - involuntarily 'Love you, GK' came out of her mouth.

GK entered his locked apartment. He was pounced on by a force that he wasn't expecting.

Chavvi- baby you are back! How I missed you!

She kissed his forehead and climbed on him wrapping her legs around his waist.

He held her and started walking inside.

GK- when and how did you get inside jungli?

Chavvi- you gave me the keys remember?

GK- haan haan we are official then.

And he smiled. That was a very hurt smile, the thought of RG pushing him and running down from the terrace did not leave him.

He wanted someone's lap to lean and cry on. Those moments meant a lot to him. He had lost himself in Rupali, without any second thoughts and without any conscience only to be treated like a nothing.

His chain of thoughts were broken when chavvi got down from him and ran inside.

GK fell on his couch. All he wanted was to shut RG out of his mind but the more he tries, the more he finds himself thinking about her and their terrace encounter.

Chavvi entered with his favorite green tea.

Chavvi- tired?

GK- hell yes!

Chavvi - hmm.. I thought you will be all over me. Take me in your arms and get wild with me. It has been a couple of days and you don't miss me that way??

GK felt weird. He was wondering why he wasn't missing Chavvi. He thought Chavvi to be his girl friend and not having these thoughts for her did feel weird to him. As he thought about it more, he was getting anxious, he realized he has been thinking about Rupali instead. It has not even been an hour since RG moved out of his proximity and he already had this urge to see her and be around her.

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