Chapter 3: Strange Bedfellows

Start from the beginning

Maybe Sophie could help, but a hunch told Alma that she'd be expecting something in return. Alma could only guess what it would be until lunch: getting into the Good school, or, even less possible, returning home.

Alma stopped herself. Was she really so desperate for a bad boy demon that she was willing to risk her life? Wasn't one surprise gift of mind-blowing sex good enough? No, she didn't need him.

Except her next Depo shot would've been due in three weeks. She didn't have much time to enjoy stress-free sex with men, let alone another period-free month, and who knew how long she'd have to wait until she could again? She highly doubted the Good school gave out condoms. Did it even have tampons? She hated pads.

Who was she supposed to speak to about birth control or private hygiene products? Professor Dovey, who taught Princess Etiquette and Good Deeds? She was the only teacher that Alma could think of besides Anemone, who taught Beautification, and Uma, who taught Animal Communication. She'd likely get the most serious and compassionate response from the eldest.

But, when the time came to approach Professor Dovey, Alma was too afraid.

What if Professor Dovey reacted with disgust and sent her away? What if she became suspicious and ordered some fairies to patrol Alma's room at night? What if she sank her ranking because Alma wasn't a virgin?

Approaching Professor Dovey could wait. For now, Alma would live in the moment.

At lunch, Alma offered Sophie half of her food and asked for help sneaking into the Evil school.

"Sure, I'll help you," Sophie said, cutting a piece of broiled herring, "if you help me win over Tedros. That way, I'll have my prince and get into the Good school."

Alma glanced over her shoulder at the table of princes, where Tedros was sitting. Their eyes met, and he frowned. Tedros trusted there were no mistakes, but maybe an Evergirl could persuade him into believing otherwise.

Alma turned back to Sophie. "Okay, deal. So, what kind of spell do you think I would need? An invisibility spell?"

Sophie sipped the porcelain cup of cherry tea. "I said I'd help you if you helped me with Tedros. Is he asking me for our true love's kiss yet?"

Alma bristled. "You're not going to at least find me a book in your library?"

"Help me, help you."

Alma sighed. "Fine."

In Surviving Fairy Tales, Yuba introduced the class to the creatures of the Blue Forest. Nevers were forbidden from approaching a nest of stymphs, which were large, skeletal birds that were vicious toward those with impure hearts. Sophie believed they would respond lovingly to her as they did to the Evers, but as she disregarded Yuba's warning and approached the nest, the birds screeched and spread their bony wings in threat.

Persuading Tedros to give Sophie a chance was looking more difficult. Impossible, even.

But Alma saw Aric—the flirtatious glint in his eyes; his black, spiky hair that she'd messed up; the muscles under his tight black clothes that she'd felt; the way he was licking his lips at her...

She had to get into the Evil school.

When class was dismissed, Alma caught up with Tedros and asked about his plans for the rest of the day.

"I need to talk to you about someone," she said.

Tedros frowned. "Is this about that Nevergirl?"

"Uh, yeah, but—"

"She's not giving you trouble, is she?" Tedros said. "My father would punish wicked women. Stoning, hanging, burning. Unfortunately, we can't end the lives of our enemies until after we graduate."

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