Visiting Broomstown

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*At the rescue center*
"Good morning Jin!" The rescue team greeted her. "Good morning guys, Did you know that Mr Builder is building a gymnastics training center here at Broomstown? It's for the olympians who do gymnastics". "Wow! A training center? That must mean we can welcome the training gymnasts there!" Amber exclaimed. Roy and Poli added "We should patrol there, just in case accidents happen". "Great idea guys, See you later team!" "Bye" They all said.

*The building was now completed*

Helly went to the harbor.
Helly: Hi Cici!
Cici: Hi Helly! This is Elliana, a famous rhythmic gymnast who competed a lot in competitions. And this is her little sister, Lilliana and her mom, Rosalina.
Rosalina, Elliana and Lilliana: Hi!
Elliana: You are probably a member of the Broomstown Rescue Team, I heard a lot about you at the magazine, Travel Is Fun! It's my first time meeting a rescue team that are vehicles.
Helly: Oh wow, Good luck at your competition at the Olympics.
Elliana: Thank you so much! We must get going to the training center. Would you take us there?
Helly: Sure follow me!

At the Gymnastics Training Center

Elliana: Wow! It's so advanced here!
Rosalina: Yes sweetie, Im very happy I enrolled you here.
Lilliana: It is so cool here too! So many hoops, balls, ribbons and clubs. You will do amazing sissy!
Elliana: Aww thank you lil sis.

Amber noticed them

Amber: Hi I am-
Elliana: Hi Amber! Im Elliana Ghen, a rhythmic gymnast, I heard about you as well. You are doing a great job helping people like your team. You're actually my bias!
Amber: *smiles* Aww really? That is so sweet! I just wanted you to know that please be careful around this new place, It might be slippery ok?
Elliana: Ok!
Rosalina: Thank you so much Amber!
Amber: You're welcome *winks*
Lilliana and Elliana: Wow! You are so so so so pretty! I like your color as well! You are like a princess *smiles*
Amber: *smiles* Really? Thank you...umm...
Lilliana: It's Lilliana!
Amber: Oh ok! You look like her!
Lilliana: I do? That's what others say! You are also my bias.
Amber: Oh thank you, Ok better get going. See you all!
The Ghen Family: Bye Amber!

*Elliana practices*

*Roy, Poli, Amber and Helly watching*

Wow! She is so amazing at this sport. Helly said. Amber smiled, she is, not only she is amazing, but she is so sweet and pretty. I agree! Hmm what's her name? Roy and Poli asked. Her name is Elliana! Amber and Helly said.
Suddenly, they saw another girl dancing. (Pretend that Dina Averina is younger here)

Who is she? The other girl with the purple leotard. Poli asked. I dont know, let me ask Elliana maybe she knows her. Amber said.
Amber: Elliana? Who is that girl with the purple leotard?
Elliana: Oh her name is Dina Averina, she also performs rhythmic gymnastics like me.
Dina: Hi Elliana! I was just done practicing. Oh hi Amber. Elliana told me about you. You are a great rescue team member.
Amber: Oh thank you Dina!
Dina: No problem. Ok see you Amber, Me and Elliana are gonna take a small break.
Amber: Ok see you!

So Amber, who is that girl? Poli asked again. Oh her name is Dina. She is Elliana's friend. She also performs rhythmic gymnastics. Oh ok Roy, Poli and Helly said.

Jin came there using her vehicle.

Hi guys! Oh hi Jin. I am trying to look for Elliana Ghen and Dina Averina, my favorite rhythmic gymnasts. Are they here? Oh they are here, They are taking a small break at the cafeteria. OMG REALLY?! Jin said. SEE YOU GUYS! Jin ran towards the cafeteria. The rescue team laughed.

At the cafeteria

Elliana: This sandwich tastes so good. I am on a healthy diet. This tastes great!
Dina: Me too, I am having salad. It's not bad here! It tastes great as well!
Jin: OMG! You girls are Elliana Ghen and Dina Averina, right?!
Elliana: Yes we are. Why?
Jin: You are both my favorites! Can you both sign my individual photos of you two?
Girls: Sure! But what's your name? Jin: My name is Jin. J-I-N. Girls: *they both sign*
Jin: Thank you! And let's take a photo! *takes a photo with them*
Elliana and Dina: Here you go, Jin! It was such a pleasure meeting you. We hope to see you supporting us!
Jin: Ofcourse! I watch the Olympics.
Elliana and Dina: oh that's surprising. Thank you so much!
Jin: No problem! OK BYEEEE
*Jin runs back*
Elliana and Dina: 😲😲😲

Just then Maya (From the Season 5 episode 16), Visited Broomstown again with her mom to see the rhythmic gymnasts there.

Maya: Im so excited mom!
Maya's mom: Me too, Maya!

Maya looks for the rhythmic gymasts, Elliana and Dina. She saw them at the cafeteria so she walked up to them.
Maya: Excuse me, Are you girls both Elliana Ghen and Dina Averina? Im a huge fan of you both!
Elliana and Dina: Yes we are, Let us guess, you want an autograph and a photo?
Maya: Wow yes please! My name is Maya. The normal spelling in case you are wondering.
Elliana and Dina: *Signs*
Maya: Thank you so much! Ok I will get my mom so that she could take a photo of us.
Maya's mom: Ok say Rhythmic Gymnastics!
The girls: Rhythmic Gymnastics!
Maya's mom: Ok great! Thank you so much! My daughter is so happy.
Elliana and Dina: You're welcome Miss! And you too Maya!

All of a sudden, An earthquake happened. The gymnastics training center collapsed. Dina and all the other gymnasts are trapped inside the collapsed building but Elliana survived, she called the rescue team.

Jin: Rescue team, this is Jin.
Elliana: Hi Im Elliana and my friend Dina and all the other gymnasts are trapped inside the gymnastics training center! It collapsed, An earthquake happened!
Jin: Oh no we felt it too, Ok the rescue team is OTW!
Jin: Emergency! Emergency! An earthquake happened at the Gymnastics Training Center, It collapsed! All units move out now!
All: Ok!

*They rushed to the collapsed building*

Amber: Elliana! Are you alright?!
Elliana: Im fine, but the others and Dina are trapped inside! Im worried.
The rescue team: Dont worry, we will save them.

*Moves the broken blocks*
Roy lifts the heavy blocks.
Roy: are you all alright?
All: Yes..Except Dina...
*they went out of the collapsed building safely*
Dina: Amber, I scratched my arm.
Amber: Oh no, let me help you.
*Puts some medical cream and bandaid*
Amber: Alright, how did the earthquake happened? You were inside the building.
Dina: I was practicing at the studio, then all of a sudden, The ground was shaking. I tried to find a table to cover myself but it was too late. Something fell on my arm and scratched it.
Amber: Oh I see.
Elliana: Dina are you alright?!
Dina: Im fine!

*Rosalina and Lilliana ran towards Elliana*
Rosalina: Im so glad you're safe.
Elliana: *smiles* The Broomstown Rescue Team saved us.
Lilliana: Wow they are important!
The Ghen Family: Yes they are! *laughs*

Mr Builder: Oh no, it might take a few days to repair the center.
Gymnasts: Oh No!
The rescue team: Oh we have an idea! How about we take you all to the park to train. We can bring the props for you all!
Gymnasts: Oh sure! Thank you!

*They all laugh*

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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