episode 5-1st selection starts now

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Its been three days since y/n came to blue lock

Y/n,isagi and raichi were taking the running test

Raichi looked at isagi,who was panting heavily and sweating profusely

Raichi:you are weak,HA HA!you think you can become the worlds best striker like that?!just go home before you cry after losing to me you weakling!

(Endurance time:42mins)
(Endurance time:1h13mins)

Raichi then took a look at the person running besides isagi

Raichi:huh?what the hell are YOU doing?

It was y/n and he was running in a very....odd way

(Endurance time:1h30mins)

Y/n:isnt it obvious,booger brain~?im running!

Raichi:who the fuck runs like that!?

Y/n's whole body was leaning forward ,not just his torso
It looked like he was about to topple over any second.......but it was controled.he wasnt even breaking a sweat

Y/n:im faster than you arent i~?

Raichi:oh,fuck off!how did you even come up with that creepy ass run?!

(If you wanna picture it better its like the devilman crybaby run,but his hands are doing the normal running motion instead of flailing wildly)

Y/n:lets just say ive been doing it for long enough to know how to do it well
(Of course im good at running,my life used to depend on it.when i used to live in the slums and didnt know how to fight yet,i had to depend on my speed and acrobatics to survive but the only problem is i got tired quickly and got my ass beat a lot......so i decided to invent my own running style,by leaning my center of gravity with all my weight forward,i keep my head down and my eyes up so i can see where im going but keeping my head as down as i can helps for velocity,so technically im not really running......im just pushing my body forward.its a style that isnt based on stamina since starting off in the slums full of rubble,smoke and disease fucked my lungs up so much that i dont have much of that left,its a style based on endurance wich i had to be good at if i wanted to live this long considering where i was born)

Raichi:oh yeah?lets see who's the best then!

Y/n:i mean,its clearly me but youre welcome to embarrass yourself,douchemonger.

Raichi:oh,really!?il show you im beter than you and then ill beat your ass too you crusty shit-kicking hemorhhoid!

Y/n:oooooh~someones angy~!lets see how tough you are after you lose,mop head!

after one more hour of non-stop running,Raichi was on the ground

Raichi:pant alright,alright!pant we get it!you won!now stop rubbing it in my fucking face you decrepic monkey-licking fuckface!

Y/n:awww,is someone a sore loser~?
Dont worry,fruit salad head
You actually made me break a sweat!

Raichi:what the fuck does fruit salad head even mean!

Next was the jumping test,isagi was getting ready to jump besides kuon



kuon:69cm (heh,nice.)

Isagi:(woah,thats crazy high!he must be the highest jumper here!)

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