Mafia Love(4/5)

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"Come here little bunny." Taehyung said, a small smirk tucking his lips as he eyed the younger's smaller frame infront, making the latter shiver silently, not knowing whether it was from the command or from the powerful stare.....

He slowly moved ahead, feeling the predator gaze of the elder over him.

Till the time he was infront of him, the chills in his spine intensified.

"Got you so much for just walking here huh?" Taehyung mocked, making Jungkook to look down in submission at the tone.

"Did cat caught got your tongue Jungkook." Jungkook looked up at the silent command lacing behind those words, 'look up and speak'

"I...." he didn't know what he should speak as he felt all the eyes of the room were directed towards him, making him feel a strange nervousness.

Funny how he was very use to being the centre of eyes many times and how swiftly he had managed to handle those situations alone but.... this was not a meeting room and the ones present over were definitely not the ones he was dominant over.....

His breath hitched when he felt a foreign yet firm squeeze on the side of his waist.

He got shocked when he was pushed down from the grip, making him sit on elder's lap but he didn't made a noise, wanting to act obedient.


"I......... am sorry hyung..." Jungkook silently whimpered when he felt the tips of the elder's nails digging into his skin in the hold, making him squirm on his lap.

"What are you sorry for?"

"For.... spying you?" The answer sounded more like a question

Taehyung stared at Jungkook for a second before he spoke

"Than....... will you repay for it my love?"

Younger's eyes widened at the address, his ear seems to be deceiving him.


"Oh sorry, my bad I said it wrong. I meant, will you repay for it, our love?"

The smirk wasn't leaving Taehyung's lips nor was the blush from Jungkook's cheek.

"Is this some sort of your game Kim?" Jungkook asked cautiously

"Name it whatever you want bunny, to us it's love." Jungkook looked down shyly but yelped when he was pushed down, making him sit on the bed as Taehyung stood up, turning around, having both his arms over either side of you younger's as he bended down towards his level.

"So tell me...... will you?"

Taehyung eyes seems so captivating, so alluring that Jungkook finds himself nodding before even thinking.


Taehyung smiled(smirked) before he nodded to himself and moved back.

"Than make sure you put a nice show for me bun." Taehyung spoke and moved back, taking a seat in the couch in front.

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