"No, but I want to help! Please, make sure no one is near the debris. That would be a big help!"

Again, silence greeted him. Frustration gnawed at Y/n, and he raised his voice a bit, "Don't you want to save the kids? Please, cooperate!"

"Kids, please, step away from the big rock. The mister is going to get us out of here, so sit tight, all right?" After a long pause, she agreed, ushering the children away from the debris. Y/n breathed a sigh of relief and assessed the situation.

As mentioned, a large chunk of debris obstructed the doorframe. While it would be possible to move it, Y/n lacked the necessary strength, and his Quirk didn't offer the required enhancement. Attempting to dislodge it might further destabilize the building. As he pondered a solution, another round of distant rumbles shook the building.

Y/n clicked his tongue once more, realizing the villain was proving remarkably tough to defeat. But then, a thunderous explosion or impact struck nearby, causing the building to shudder violently. Y/n staggered, struggling to regain his footing as cracks appeared, and the children inside huddled in fear.

And Y/n understood that.

If moving the rubble is out of the question, then he had to find another way. He looked around for anything of use, but since the building is collapsing, all the stuff that were scattered is sliding off ever so slightly.

Urgency and haste was obvious in his body language, scurrying around the floor, praying-- begging for anything that can help.

That's when his eyes happened to glance at a cracked glass window nearby. And immediately, the memory of him crashing into the building pathetically just a few minutes ago came to mind.

Without a second thought, Y/n immediately went into a mad dash and crashed through the cracked glass. Befor he even began to free-fall, Y/n used his Quirk to prevent that and hung himself beside the building. As he had thought, and also to his luck, there was a window to inside of the playroom.

Although, it seems like lady luck has abandoned him for the time being, as all of the glass window is relatively undamaged. Kinda surprising actually, with how the building is collapsing. But that's beside the point.

Thinking of a other solution, an idea came to mind as he jumped up amd away from the building to creat distance, using both of his hands and attached his Quirk to the building before. Recalling what had happened when he slipped, he quickly retracted his Quirk, creating the similar occurance of ealstic force, and pulled him into the glass window.

His figure shot straight to the window, and Within moments, his feet connected to the window's surface as he grimaced. He was physically strong , so it was understandable that he'd feel a lot of pressure onto his knees.

But there was an audible crack, and that's plus in Y/n's book.

Pulling harder, the window gave in and Y/n is finally inside the playroom. He winced at the few scratches made from the glass shards hitting him, but he ignored them for now.

"Are you guys okay!?" He exclaimed, now noticing that there're four kids and the other older girl. All of them huddled in the corner, trying to avoid the falling rubbles and cracks across the floor.

"Look, kids! It's the mister from before!" The caretaker said, pointing at Y/n. He spreads his arms out, and callong out to them.

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