New Recruit

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I stood in the lineup with my fellow soldiers. Today was the day, we were getting our new unit assignments. It was taking everything in me not to bounce around with excitement. Our commander handed envelopes down the line, congratulating- everyone as he went by. When he got to me he had a big grin on his face.

"I knew you were meant for big things the first day I saw you." HE shook my hand as he handed me my envelope. 

I stared down at it. What did he mean by that? Everyone excitedly tore open their envelopes some cheering others cursing under their breath. I ripped my own open, confused I read my assignment.

-Unit assignment- 

-Task Force 141-

-Specialty unit.- 

-Report date: ASAP-

The next day I reported to the base that was on my assignment. I was led to a conference room, the doors open and there stood five men and one female. 

Oh great. 

"Private L/n reporting for duty." I saluted the room.

"Welcome." A scruffy older gentlemen held out his hand to me. "Captain John Price."

I shook his hand. "Private Y/n L/n."

"This is Lieutenant Simon Riley." Price pointed to a masked man. "Also known as Ghost."

I gave a nod to the man named Ghost, he nodded back in understanding.

"This is Kyle Garrick, aka Gaz." Price continued to introduce the men in the room.

"Howdy." GAz held out his hand and I shook it.

"Gary Sanderson, I also go by Roach." One of the men introduced himself.

I gave another little nod as a man yet to be introduced approached me.

"You sure she's 141 material? looks a little scrawny." The man looked me up and down.

"I wouldn't have requested her if she wasn't." Price placed a hand on my shoulder. "This is Sergeant John Mactavish, or as we call him Soap."

"I hope you can keep up." He smiled at me before sitting down.

The female held out her hand to me. "Kate Laswell, CIA."

I shook her hand feeling a little relived that there would be another female some what present.

After introductions and a briefing on what to expect I was shown to my quarter that we all seemed to share. I settled in, unpacking some of my things.

So I was requested? Why? I didn't think I stood out against my peers. I mean I did have the highest scores among them but not special forces high. I finished up in my room, stripped from my uniform, changing into casual wear.

The next few weeks were spent getting to know the others and training.

"You're moving too slow." Roach ran circles around me. 

I did my best to ignore him. We weren't racing or doing anything remotely related to speed but he sure seemed to think that. Price wanted to test my endurance before the next deployment. 

"Now go!" Price blew a whistle and I ran through the obstacle course as he instructed.  

I finished in what I thought was record time. Price stood with Soap and Ghost talking just out of earshot.  

"L/n!" Price called to me, I made my way over still trying to catch my breath. 

"Here sir." I straightened up as I stood in front of them.

"You're definitely ready for deployment." Price showed me my time. I felt giggly but kept my composure. 

"I guess we were wrong about you." Ghost gave me a little nod.

"Well Beanpole, looks like you do have what it takes." Soap patted my shoulder.

"Of course I do." Beanpole? Who the fuck is he calling Beanpole?!

"There's that confidence!" Price smiled. "Let's call it a day. Rest up, we have a big day tomorrow." 

Tomorrow we started to prep for deployment, it was always a shit show in my old unit as people always seemed to forget or lose things. I made my way across the field to our quarters when I was stopped by Gaz.

"Hey! Wait up!" He fell in step beside me. "We're going out for drinks tonight, since you're one of us now, you get to come. I mean if you want to."

"Sure, sounds like fun." 

"Beanpole!" I heard Soap calling to me.

This motherfucker.

"Yes, Sergent?" I turned around to see him jogging up the field to us.

"Oh, I see Gaz has beat me to it." Soap stopped in front of me. "Just wanted to inform you we have a mandatory team night out." 

"It's not mand-" Gaz started but was cut off.

"It's mandatory." Soap grinned. "At least for beanpole, it is."

"Is Beanpole really what you're going to call me?" I prayed that it wasn't going to stay.

"Yep." Soap ruffled my hair and walked away.

I cursed him under my breath. 

"Hey take it as a compliment, it means he sees you as one of us." Gaz chuckled before waving and walking off.

I made my way to my room, grabbing my things for the shower. I made my way down the hall to the female bathroom, as I opened the door the men's shower door opened, and next to me stood Soap in a towel. I couldn't help but stare. 

"Like the view?" Soap chuckled and I felt my face turn bright red. 

I quickly looked away and fumbled with the bathroom door. 

"Poor beanpole." He teased as I darted into the bathroom. 

Great, now he thinks I'm a perv. I could hear him laughing outside the door. I showered quickly and got dressed in the bathroom, not wanting to risk running into one of them. 

"Let's go!" I heard Roach yelling.

I scrambled out of the bathroom and into the common room where everyone was waiting.

 "Oh look pervy beanpole is here now." Soap chuckled as I felt my face turn red once more. I forced my gaze to the ground.

"Let's get a move on before the bar gets crowded." Price pushed us all out the door and we made our way to the Bar. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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