"How do you know my name."

"I know everything and I grant wishes for a living."

"I don't believe in this and I don't believe you You know what I do believe in...Jesus and you aren't him. And if you want to make this believable you should clean this place up and maybe cover the maid in China on those dolls."

"Most doctors believe in science, Dr. Bailey."

Miranda gasped and then rolled her eyes. "Well this isn't that either... what is your name?"


"Ok, Zara. I'm leaving."

"Just make the wish."

Miranda chuckled, not taking it seriously. "You know what...I wish for a perfect man. How about that."

Madam Zara regarded her with a knowing smile. "Very well, dear. Be ready for what the universe may bring, but I must warn you something. He won't--

"Ok, whatever. I'm leaving." Miranda insisted opening the door.

"He will not be real and on Halloween night the magic will end." She trailed off, shaking her head. That doctor was a piece of work. Snapping her finger she granted the wish. "She'll be back."

"Torres what the hell." Miranda snapped seeing her leaning against the car waiting on her. She also had bags in her hand.

"I didn't see you in there."

"Me either. That stupid place. I'm never going back in the den again. It was weird and quite scary. The ugly dolls hanging from the ceiling, eyeballs and purple lights."

"Miranda none of that was in there. It was a regular trinket store." She said confused, holding up the bags.

"You didn't see a woman sitting at a circular table. She had a pot, that had dry ice because of the smoke that was coming out. She looked like a witch or fortune teller."

"No, was she in the back? It looks like a store in the mall."

"Ok so obviously I'm going crazy."

"Yeah let's just go get lunch."

"Yeahhh." She dragged.

The next morning Miranda woke up and stretched. She faintly smelled bacon and coffee but had to be mistaken. Sitting up fully she became aware of humming. It was a deep, velvety voice that sent shivers down her spine.

Who the hell was in her home? Grabbing a pair of scissors she cracked the door open and peered her head out. Tip-toeing to the kitchen she screamed loudly spotting a tall, shirtless man in her kitchen, flipping bacon.

The man turned around with a spatula in one hand, revealing his chiseled features and yelping at her screams.

"Who the hell are you?" Miranda shouted covering the top of her breast in her nightgown.

"Dr. Benjamin Warren." He introduced. "Were you planning to cut me?"

"Hell yes. How did you get in here?" She questioned looking around.

"I woke up here beside you in the bed."

"Beside me in the bed. Is this some joke?"

"No. No joke. Is something wrong?"

"Yes, a strange man is in my house."

"Where?" Ben asked surprised. " I shall apprehend him."

"You. You are the strange man." She insisted.

"My name is not strange. My name is Dr. Benjamin Warren. It says so right there." He pointed.


October Boyfriend Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora