Chapter 9 - Different But Same

Start from the beginning

"I still don't understand how we're gonna buy alcohol," Demetri admitted, looking a bit uncertain.

"Oh, please, never underestimate the power of the Hawk," Hawk bragged with a smirk, picking up a crate and confidently taking it up to the counter. He managed to haggle with the shopkeeper and secured the beers and vodka for their impending gathering.

Meanwhile, Y/N and Miguel were seated outside, each absorbed in their phones. Miguel was attempting to reach Sam, while Y/N was engaged in conversation with Tory.

"Hey, We're hosting a party later. Can I pick you up?" Y/N asked, a note of enthusiasm in his voice.

"I don't get out of work until 6, but I'll make my way down there then?" Tory suggested.

"Sure, I'll see you there. Also, do you drink?" Y/N inquired, curious about her preferences.

"Of course. Save some for me," Tory confirmed before ending the call. Y/N shifted his attention to a clearly agitated Miguel.

"You all good?" Y/N asked, showing concern for his friend. Miguel shook his head, a mix of frustration and worry clouding his expression.

"Still no reply," Miguel admitted.

The beach party was in full swing, and Y/N stood atop a bench

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The beach party was in full swing, and Y/N stood atop a bench.

"Okay! Everyone got theirs? To Cobra Kai!" He boomed with, and the collective crowd raised their glasses, downing their drinks in unison. Y/N beckoned Miguel and Aisha over to where he stood.

"What's up?" Aisha asked, joining the group. Y/N poured drinks for each of them.

"To the originals, We have this tournament in the bag," he toasted, and they clinked glasses before downing their drinks in unity.

As the night continued, Y/N found himself slightly inebriated. He noticed Jasmine and her group at the top of the hill, he gave a wave that seemed to unsettle Kyler. Some members of the group left, but Jasmine and Moon remained.

The night continued, and although Y/N continued drinking, he paced himself. He and Miguel bantered back and forth, but Miguel suddenly caught sight of something in the distance. Y/N followed his gaze and noticed Sam walking down to the beach with another boy. Miguel began striding toward them, and Y/N swiftly followed suit.

"Hey. Who's this guy?" Miguel questioned, confronting Sam and the new acquaintance.

"This is your boyfriend?" the boy asked.

"Yeah. Miguel, relax. This is Robby. He works for my dad," Sam explained, attempting to diffuse the situation. Y/N extended a hand, which Robby tentatively shook.

"Who's this guy?" Robby inquired, eyeing Y/N.

"My... Ex," Sam revealed, leaving the atmosphere tense.

"Pleasure. Well, not really," Y/N retorted with an edge.

"Wait, have you two been drinking?" Sam asked.

"No, no, no. You don't get to turn this on me. I texted and called you all day and you couldn't answer me back once?" Miguel confronted Sam.

"No, I literally couldn't. My mom took my phone," Sam desperately explained.

"Oh, that's so convenient," Miguel responded skeptically.

"Hey, man-" Robby attempted to mediate, but Miguel pushed him to the ground.

"You get out of here!" Miguel commanded, his drunkenness amplifying his aggression.

"Miguel, stop it!" Sam pleaded.

"Hey, man, you want to try that again?" Robby challenged Miguel.

"Try it again, huh?" Miguel threw a punch, missing Robby and accidentally hitting Sam. Regret filled his voice as he apologized.

"God, you asshole! My dad was right about Cobra Kai. Good luck at the tournament. I won't be there," Sam declared, storming off, with Robbie following.

"Larusso!" Y/N shouted, trailing after them. When they reached the car park, Sam turned around.

"What, Y/N?" She inquired.

"First, me, then Miguel? How many guys are you gonna cheat on before you're happy?" Y/N's words were pointed, and Sam stood stunned and speechless.

"Yeah, I know. I know fucking everything. Kyler told me, How even when we were together you still were snogging him?" Y/N shouted.

"Hey man, I don't know what went on-" Robbie began.

"Exactly. So shut the hell up. How long will he get, Samantha? Maybe two weeks this time?" Y/N confronted, with Robbie squaring up, ready for a fight. Y/N felt a tug on his shoulder and turned to see Tory standing there.

"What's going on?" She asked, concern in her voice.

"Just dealing with a cheater," Y/N replied, his drunken state causing him to wobble, nearly stumbling, but Tory caught him. "Thanks, Babe."

The shock on Sam's face was evident, as it was on Tory's. Seeing the expression on Sam's face, Tory leaned down and kissed Y/N, causing Sam to scoff, she proceeded to quickly leave.

"Care to explain?" Tory inquired, a mix of curiosity and concern in her voice.

"She cheated on me, and now she's doing the same to my best friend. No, not anymore. I got over her. You are the only girl I care about now," Y/N expressed, almost as if he could sense her thoughts.

"Okay," Tory replied, offering a small smile. "Also, Babe?"

"I'm... Sorry, I just..." Y/N trailed off before being silenced by another passionate kiss.

"No, it's great," she reassured him.

"Tory? Will you be my girlfriend? Officially?" Y/N asked, as she led him back to the beach.

"Yes, definitely yes," she replied, sealing the confirmation with another heartfelt kiss. Hawk approached, patting Y/N on the back.

"Oh, By the way, You have to come to our tournament. I reckon I stand a real chance." Y/N asked her and she agreed.

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