Chapter 8 - Molting

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"No, No, Y/N I can explain," Miguel pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation. Y/N's fists clenched at his sides, his impulse urging him to lash out, but he managed to resist. Instead, he surveyed the room briefly, his gaze landing on the office.

"Med Kit?" Y/N inquired, turning to Sensei, who simply pointed to the back of the office. Y/N quickly tended to his bleeding nose before re-emerging.

"Miguel... I've moved on from Sam, but as long as I'm alive, I'll always harbor a deep resentment toward her. I don't like the fact that you're with her, but you're still my friend. However, when she breaks you, don't come crying to me," Y/N expressed with a mixture of frustration and concern.

Miguel nodded solemnly, offering a faint smile. Y/N left the dojo, his words echoing in his mind. Despite his attempt to quell his emotions, he was still seething. The feeling of betrayal lingered, a deep wound that would take time to heal.

 The feeling of betrayal lingered, a deep wound that would take time to heal

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"You've trained hard. You've gotten stronger, tougher, faster. You've done your best. You're ready for this tournament, am I right?" Sensei's authoritative voice boomed from atop a minibus.

"Yes, Sensei!" The resounding reply filled the space.

"Wrong! Your best ain't shit! If you want to win the All-Valley Under 18 Karate Tournament, you gotta give me better than your best. Which is why from now on, you're gonna get my worst. You understand?" Sensei's challenging words struck a chord.

"Yes, Sensei!" The group responded in unison.

"Are you losers?" Sensei probed.

"No, Sensei!" Came the fervent reply.

"Are you nerds?" Another question.

"No, Sensei!" Their defiance was palpable.

The rigorous training regimen commenced. They maneuvered through tires, unleashed their pent-up energy by dismantling old cars and equipment in a nearby junkyard, and balanced precariously over a skip filled with metal and glass.

Concluding the intense workout, Sensei distributed pieces of meat among the group.

"You want to win, you gotta be hungry. You guys hungry?" His question hung in the air.

"Yes, Sensei!" Their determination echoed.

"Good. So are they." Sensei raised a small whistle to his lips, and the yard was soon filled with the barks of incoming dogs. Y/N swiftly positioned himself atop a car behind Sensei.

"Very smart, Y/N," Sensei acknowledged.

"Sensei, I want to tell you now, in this tournament, if I face Miguel, I'm not holding back. He betrayed my trust, even if he is my friend," Y/N disclosed. Sensei offered a slight nod of understanding.

Y/N arrived at the bowling alley, anticipation and nervous excitement tingling through him

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Y/N arrived at the bowling alley, anticipation and nervous excitement tingling through him. He straightened himself and glanced around, scanning for Tory. Spotting her at one of the lanes, he approached with a smile.

"Hey, Tory! Sorry if I'm late," Y/N greeted her warmly, a hint of eagerness in his voice.

Tory turned, a radiant grin on her face. "No worries, you're right on time," she replied, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "I've already picked out our lane."

The sound of crashing pins and the lively atmosphere added a cheerful background to their conversation.

"So, have you bowled much before?" Y/N asked as he selected a bowling ball, feeling a touch of nervousness.

"A bit. I'm no pro, but I can handle myself," Tory replied, choosing her own ball and stepping up to the lane with a mischievous glint in her eye.

Y/N watched as Tory threw her first ball, and to his surprise, she knocked down most of the pins, leaving just a few standing.

"Nice one!" Y/N applauded, impressed by her skill.

"It's all in the wrist action," Tory teased, nudging him playfully.

Y/N stepped up for his turn, trying to replicate Tory's finesse. With a smooth throw, he managed to knock down a decent number of pins but left a challenging spare. As he aimed for his second throw, Tory cheered him on.

Their game continued, accompanied by light-hearted banter and occasional playful teasing. Each turn brought moments of laughter and shared enjoyment.

As the game progressed, Tory's competitive spirit emerged, and she playfully nudged Y/N each time she knocked down more pins than him. Y/N, in good spirits, returned the gesture with a competitive grin.

After the game concluded with Tory's victory, they settled into the seating area, laughing and recounting the highlights of their game.

"Guess I owe you a drink for losing," Y/N joked, pretending to lament his defeat.

"I'll take you up on that offer," Tory replied with a playful smirk.

They chatted over drinks, the conversation flowing effortlessly, filled with shared stories, laughter, and a growing sense of connection.

As the evening drew to a close, Y/N walked Tory to her Uber, a smile lingering on both their faces.

"Thanks for the date, It was great," Tory said, giving Y/N a small peck on the cheek.

"No, thank you. I really enjoyed myself," Y/N replied.

"However, when can we meet somewhere a bit more... Intimate. Just you and me. Like your house," Tory asked, Y/N gave a small smile.

"Next time, I promise. Next time, We will go to my house after the date. Okay?" Y/N questioned.

"Deal, but I'll hold you to that," Tory told him as she got into the car, waving goodbye.

Y/N twisted the key and opened the door, peering inside at his apartment filled with rubbish and takeaway wrappers

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Y/N twisted the key and opened the door, peering inside at his apartment filled with rubbish and takeaway wrappers. Disappointment washed over him as he stood there, sinking into the dreary atmosphere within the dark room. However, notifications popped up onto his phone, illuminating the small space.

"I really enjoyed it tonight. Can't wait for next time," it read. Y/N felt a spike of motivation and began clearing the apartment, bit by bit, until as the sun rose, it looked completely brand new.

"Job well done," he told himself before walking out of his house to the parking lot, where he saw Sensei's car burned and broken.

Fighting Against Yourself : A Cobra Kai StoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora