Satan Succeeds

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Down on Earth in the beautiful garden of Eden, Adam & Eve sat on the grass

Eve: Oh, Adam. Isn't this just wonderful?

Adam: Yes it is, my love. The angels have blessed us with a beautiful Earth full of harmony & peace.

All of a sudden, the clouds turned Grey, then to a dark crimson red

Eve: A-Adam? What's that?

He turned towards the sky, a worried expression appearing on the man's face

Lucifer: Nice to see you, Adam & Eve.

The couple stood up, holding one another & looking around

Eve: W-Who's there..?

Lucifer: It's the devil. Im here to take your souls.

Adam: You won't do that! Please don't hurt us!

Everyone looked through the ball, feeling nervous

Marinette: Okay, we can't just sit here. We have to find a way out & stop him!

Alya: But how are we supposed to go onto Earth without startling them?

Marinette: Hmm. How about disguises?

Mylene: Marinette isn't wrong. We can just go in disguise & blend in to stop Lucifer.

Marinette: But we have to be careful. Okay?

Everyone nodded in agreement

Marinette sighed & put her hands together, a swirl of silver dust surrounding them

As the mist dissipated, Marinette & the others had reverted to a human form

Alya: Whoa! This is so crazy!

Marinette put her hand out, opening the portal to the Earth world

Marinette: Follow me, guys.

As they entered the portal, they were transported to the Garden of Eden

Nino: Wow. I can't believe this is Earth.

Marinette: It really is beautiful.

Marinette smiled at the sight of flowers, but then noticed them wilting, her head looking up at the crimson red sky

Marinette: Fuck. Everyone, hide!

As they rushed into the bushes, they noticed Lucifer, who was coming closer towards Adam & Eve

Zoe: That's Adam & Eve. We have to save them!

Marinette: Wait, Zoe. Not yet. We need to find a way to get him away from them.

A light bulb went off in Adrien's head

Adrien: I have an idea.

He spinned around, shape-shifting into a white baby goat

Marinette: Wait, Adrien! Are you sure you want to do this?

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