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Surrounded by people who care. That loves you so much and would give everything so that you're happy. And you know that.
But when that crippling wave of anxiety suffocates you, there's only one escape. There's only one way out.
It's not bad, if it was bad it'd be dangerous and it's not dangerous. Not really.
It's something you want to say to someone, anyone, but isn't that just attention seeking. For you to say it out loud and to label it when it's not bad, it would seem like you're trying to be all front and centre. Wouldn't it?

Do you even want to talk?
If you tell them you know how they'd react. They'd be hurt, sad, maybe blame themselves. For something that hurts no one, why would you do that? To put that pressure on someone wouldn't be fair.
You don't want to speak up because you're scared. Scared of their reactions, and scared of what it will confirm. That more than anything scares you.
If you're not ready, then that's ok.

You can keep with the subtle comments, laughing at your own pain, hiding the truth. You can keep running. You can keep pretending. If that's safe, if that's what you think is right, then do that. But is that really for the best?
To keep it bottled up, to keep it as this hidden secret? Sometimes talking is what you need to do in order to get better, even if you think nothing is wrong.

Authors note
Hey everyone!
Here's a short story for you, I hope you enjoy reading!
Don't forget to vote or comment,
Bye for now ♡

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