Chapter 27

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A/N: Hello again✨✨ quick announcements: Updates will be once a week if possible, and I look forward to writing them.

With that being said, I'm studying in class 12 right now and Council Exams are coming up soon, this has been a huge part in my haitus for the last year so so, with 10 and 11 Council Exams as well

The other reason I will tell you about in the next chapter as it's quite a serious matter, and I am too sleepy to write about it at the moment.

So, I hope you enjoy💌

27. The Last Thread Of Hope

"Emotionally I wanted to stay.
Intellectually, I wanted to leave.
As always, I seemed to enjoy
Punishing myself."
-Susan Sontag
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Present Time:

Takemichi was gone; he had decided to go back to the future, leaving the rest of you with his younger self.

You had said your goodbyes to him before he went for a ride with Mikey on his Babu, and he went to hang out with the Mizo Middle Five after that. When Mikey came back alone, you both knew that you'd also have to say goodbye to him soon; that didn't stop you from trying your hardest to make him stay, but it didn't seem to be working.

He could be the most stubborn pain in the ass whenever he wanted to.

Slowly distance himself from everyone else, he rarely came to hang out with the rest of you, and even though it hadn't been explicitly said between the two of you, Mikey and your relationship was as good as over.

A few months went by with the person you loved slipping away slowly from you and everyone he loved and cared about as well. Draken also noticed, trying to figure out how he could help his friend who had been through so much with him.

Earlier, before too much distance had been placed, you had gone over to his house and he had been alone, Grandpa Sano out with his friends to reminisce of their younger days; he was slowly but surely growing older, and the deaths of his grandchildren didn't help.

Mikey tried to put on a facade for his grandfather, but you could only get away with so much in front of a person who watched you grow up.

So the two of you sat there on his sofa.

You had been inside his room so many times before and those times had been filled with laughter and warmth, but now you sat in silence, feeling how wide the gap between you and Mikey had become within only a few months.

There was a feeling of fear when the thought of letting him go and saying goodbye to the familiar came up in your mind, and Mikey felt it too, that was the only reason the two of you were even still around one another.

You loved each other too much.

Mikey inched closer then, and you felt his warm lips against yours. He pulled you towards him and kissed you fully on your lips, running his hands down your back, a sensation you had never felt before, making your head feel light as you kissed him back.

"Mikey," you gasped as he started moving down to kiss your neck, making him become still as you hesitantly broke away from the kiss. "I'm sorry."

Slowly pushing him off, you got up to leave. The part of you that knew Mikey was going to leave one day made you stop him, making things even more strained between the both of you.

Two years passed like that until Grandpa Sano eventually passed away, leaving Mikey without anyone to call family and go home to anymore.

A huge number of people including the older Sano's friends as well as Toman members showed up, wanting to pay their friend their last respects or, in the case of Toman members, show their once-captain solidarity and their reverence for him.

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