"Oh fuck, Ji." I whimpered, my legs shaking as he swirled his tongue over my tight hole, teasing and testing what I reacted too. His hand pumped me, making me squirm as I got closer and closer. I felt the pad of his finger push against my entrance, and I was at his mercy- Nobody had ever fingered me before, and oh God did I suddenly need him to. He pushed his wet finger into me slowly- his tongue making everything so slippery. I panted, the sensation so foreign but so insanely hot and amazing. His finger moved slowly, and I was gripping the towel bar and trying to grip the tile uselessly, eventually finding his shoulder with my hand to help steady myself.

"Is this okay?" He asked, pausing to look at me.

I nodded, words eluding me, my eyes closing as he rubbed his finger over my prostate and oh fucking God I got it now.

"Use your words, Baby." He whispered before he went back to teasing my balls. His finger swirled expertly, his other hand pumping my desperate cock.

"Oh, fuck yes, Baby- it's good. So goddamn good." I hissed as all the different sensations sent me over the edge- crashing through the strongest orgasm I had ever experienced.

His finger continued to push into me, my ass clenching around his digit tightly. "Yes Baby, cum for me. You feel so good- so tight." He praised. The look in his eyes was different- dark- raw- aggressive.

My mind melted at the words that were usually my lines. Nobody had ever said these things to me, and I liked it. Fuck that- I loved it. I gulped, swallowing the strange new lump in my throat.

He pulled out his finger- leaving me feeling, I wasn't sure, but I was suddenly without and it made me want to ask him to do it again.

Jisung stood, smiling at me. He gently washed my abs off and caressed my arms, handing me my toothbrush as he readied his own. I watched him- seeing him differently. Not in a bad way at all- just a side of him I guess I never though existed. For me, I was oddly set in my ways- you were one thing or the other. In this case a top or a bottom. Jisung had always been a bottom- there had never been any question. I had always been a top. In every relationship, that's just the way it was, and no one had made me think otherwise. It had been a complete shock when I had found out about switches and later that Changbin of all people loud, masculine muscled Changbin was one. I always thought I had a good read on people and who they were in the relationship, but damn. And now Jisung was radiating this aura of energy. Top energy.

I brushed my teeth and looked away shyly as he eyed me, worry in his eyes.

"Baby- I'm sorry. I- he said around his toothbrush. "You don't ever have to try that again- I just thought maybe you'd want to try it, or something... I don't know. It was stupid." His shoulders slumped and he got that 'in his head' look. And I put my hand on his shoulder.

"No. I liked it. I'm fucking surprised as hell that I liked it, but wow." I admitted, blowing out a huge puff of air.

He smirked, and blushed prettily, the water streaming down his chest- That damn perfect chest, to his waist- so unbelievably tiny and shaped for my hands- to his groin, and God his perfect, dark honey colored dick. I gulped, imagining.

"What was it you really wanted to say earlier?" I asked and he acted coy- like he didn't understand. "Jisung, I know your I'm-having-a-dirty-thought expression and I know your I'm-not-telling-you-the-whole-truth face too." I scolded and he looked me up and down, licking the toothpaste off his lips. He placed his brush on the ledge of the shower and took a step toward me, his eyes raking over my wet, naked body.

"Are you sure you want to know?" he asked in his deeper register and the hairs on the back of my neck stood at attention.

I nodded.

"Words, Baby." He breathed against my skin, causing goosebumps to form along my arms.

"I want to know." I responded, my voice coming out in a whisper. The anticipation of the words I was sure he would say heavy in the air around us.

He backed me against the wall again, his hands running over my chest and stomach as he kissed my neck and whispered in my ear. "I want to top you, Minho. Even if it just once- I think I have to." He moved his face away from mine and looked at me, searching my face for refusal. Fear of rejection masked well, but not completely.

There they were. Words that I had feared for years- words that I somehow had thought were wrong because I was the top- and that's just the way it was. But with Jisung, there wasn't fear. There was only an undeniable, simmering want. I licked my lips, looking at his mouth and caught him in a kiss. I broke away, my eyes darting all around his face.

"Forget it- itwas just a silly thought-"he mumbled, smiling at me.

"Yes." I interjected, barely a whisper.

"What?" he questioned, the sound of the shower drowning out my words.

"Yes." I said again, more clearly. "Please fucking top me, Jisung." I confessed, my own brain not even believing it.

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