New Part-time Worker

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Takanashi Productions President's office

President Takanashi lets out a long deep sigh. He had just been informed how their newly hired part-time worker who was supposed to start today suddenly couldn't come in due to a family emergency. In fact, he might not be able to come anymore as it was quite serious to the point where he had to spend a couple of months back in the countryside. There was even a possibility of him having to permanently move his residency back to his hometown.

This meant he had to go back from scratch and look for new part-time recruits... Well, that will be a blast... The president laughs in a low voice.

The SD memory card on his desk shines brightly entering his eyesight. He picks up the card in his hands and stares at it for a while.

He was at a complete loss as to what exactly he should do. Logically he knows in his mind what it is he should do, however... The senior's eyes travel over to the files with their most recent idol group members' resumes and profiles on them.

Each and every one of these talents had been people he had personally recruited after sensing the great potential that they still hadn't been able to release as of yet. Depending on how one cultivated them there was the possibility that they could become great big stars. Despite all his talks with his daughter he had been planning on having all of them form an idol group together from the very start. He knew the moment he saw the group members together that they were meant to be with one another. However, he wanted to test them to see if they could truly work and function as one group. As expected they all passed his test with flying colors.

He does feel a bit of guilt for deceiving his daughter like this but in a way, this was also a test for his daughter as well. In truth, he had thought about assigning the group a more experienced manager. However, he felt that it wouldn't be quite right for them and decided to place his daughter who was a complete rookie instead. His hope was for each side to grow beside one another supporting each other through hard times and encouraging one another in their endeavors. They would hopefully mature more as individuals through the motivation they gain from one another's companionship.

It seems the sender of the letter and SD card had seen through his intentions when forming this group and wanted to take advantage of it for his own purposes.

His mind turns back to the contents of the letter. There wasn't much written on the letter only it had asked him to look at the profile document and video file on the SD card and everything was up to his hand from henceforth.

The president felt a bit suspicious but on some whim that day decided one look couldn't hurt. Now that he thinks back on it, it was an extremely reckless move. If the SD card was some sort of trap or scam using a type of bug or virus no doubt all of their information security would be in complete shambles right now.

Anyhow he clicked on the video file first. Once it opened it revealed the scenery of a small open park with a street piano right in the middle of it. On the seat sat a red-haired young man most likely in his late teen years or early adult years from the looks of it. The young man seems hesitant to touch the keys at first but slowly he works up the courage to touch a few keys. He lets out a gentle smile as if he was reminiscing about something. He plays some notes somewhat clumsily his hands trembling as tears swelled up in his beautiful crystal clear ruby eyes. From there it was as if some sort of switch had flipped inside him and he had started playing fluidly on the keyboards letting out a beautiful melody.

Halfway through as he was playing the young man opened his mouth and...

The President immediately understood the reason why the sender sent him the SD card. This boy's musical talent was way beyond anything he had ever seen in his life. It was as if his eyes had just been opened to a new world. A world that was filled with colors of all kinds with infinite possibilities that went beyond his wildest and craziest imagination. Since the death of his wife his shining bright world had greatly dimmed. If it had not been for the single bright light in his life his daughter he was sure all sense of color would have left from him by now. But even then it was hard to see the world as he had once before during his youth. To be honest, he had even forgotten what it had looked like after all this time.

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