"Aegon?" Viserra stated, the confusion plain on her face. Her eyes widened in shock as she took in her brothers' red rimmed eyes and the purple and green bruise sweltering on his neck not so subtly hidden by his high necked tunic. 

"Vi, your here" he said, some relief entering his face. Viserra nodded gently not wanting to acknowledge the tension in the room as their grandfather  in their interaction. 

"Aegon shall be joining us from now on" Otto Hightower said simply before sitting down in his chair. He quickly stood up again as Viserra's father King Viserys came in. 

"Your grace" the men echoed in unison as they bowed deeply. Aegon and Viserra stood awkwardly as their father took the seat at the head of the table. There was one less seat than there normally was. Viserra usually took the Queen's seat since it had been empty since her mother had passed. The seat was empty but her grandfather motioned for Aegon to sit in it. 

"That's mine-" she began but was quickly interrupted by her grandfather "Princess Viserra I should think you would bear the cups for this session?" he directed the question at her father who smiled at her "I think that's a wonderful idea. You know Viserra, Rhaenyra did the same when she was your age". 

But I do not want to be cup bearer, why was I suddenly demoted for Aegon of all people, she thought. But still she forced herself to pick up the jug and pour their wine and pretend that she did not feel betrayed. 

Eventually the meeting concluded. Once the lords and her father left Aegon poured himself a cup of wine and drank it in more large gulp before walking out. Viserra's lip curled in disgust as she watched her eldest brother the one who her grandfather wanted as King, stumble and stagger out the door. Once he was gone Viserra sank down into a chair as her grandfather poured over some parchments trying to find the courage to speak. 

"You gave Aegon my seat. Why?" she demanded forcing him to look up at her. "It far past time your brother joined these meetings child". Viserra grew all the more impatient at his curt response. 

"Yes but why force me to pour all your wine and water like some common servant. Besides Aegon is not meant for such things you know that. He can't even make it through an hour without having a cup of wine.". She ranted hoping her grandfather would admit her points. 

But he simply shrugged "He's a boy Viserra, he shall grow out of such follies.". At that Viserra grew angry "Why do you excuse his behaviour? Why? You talk of grace and strength when Aegon has none of it.". Viserra snapped. 

"And you believe you do.". Her grandfather bit back. "Do you fancy yourself a queen Viserra?" he asked her plainly. Viserra paused to consider "Perhaps I do. Is that so wrong, every girl wishes to be a queen. And I have accomplished far more than Aegon has.". 

"You speak of treason child" he cautioned. Viserra scoffed "You speak of it every day" she did not notice the way her grandfathers' eyes darkened as he stood up "Do you honestly think that I cannot see your ambition. You wish to place Aegon as heir. That is why you pushed for his marriage to Helaena you want to strengthen his claim." she completed too lost in her own anger to notice his hand rising toward her face.

When her grandfather placed a strike to her face Viserra was stunned for a moment as white hot pain lanced through her. She stumbled from the impact as tears flowed openly. 

"Never again speak of this, child do you understand me" he waved a finger in front of her face and Viserra could not protest, could not argue, she could only nod like a little porcelain doll forced to do whatever its master wanted. 

"Everything I do is for us all. If your precious sister Rhaenyra ascends the throne she will put every single one of you to the sword if it meant protecting her bastards. You know how far she goes protecting their honor, your brother experienced is first-hand her cruelty. Still you argue like a petulant child.". 

The Dragon and the Rose // Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now