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After having dinner and saying goodbyes to his friends Seokmin was returning home.

He cocks a brow when he spots Chan standing there by his entrance door.

"Seokmin I have a favor to ask", chan says and Seokmin just stands there wanting Chan to continue.

"I don't want you to go for tomorrow's rehearsal. We practiced a ton of times and we would do well at the festival even before", Chan was saying but Seokmin cut him off saying "I don't understand you whats your problem?, Shouldnt go to the rehearsal? Why? Next will you say me to not participate and give up". "There is something like that which I can't tell you but believe me for once and stay home", Chan says desperately but Seokmin says "You are just crazy", before leaving Chan there in front of his house.

"I must stop him. Think Chan think", Chan says to himself, and suddenly an idea comes into his head.

Seungkwan was lying down on his bed staring at a photo he had taken of Chan. "Who does he think he is", Seungkwan finally says before he throws the Photo in his drawer.

the sudden ring of the doorbell startles Seungkwan but he opens it anyway.

"You? What do you want i don't have time so say me quick", Seungkwan says while licking away the cream he had on his hands because he was eating a cream bun.

"You want me to what now?", Seungkwan asked Chan for confirmation and Chan nodded his head. "Someone's life depends on it Seungkwan so please for once help me", Chan says desperately holding onto Seungkwan.

"I can see the sincerity in your eyes and since you said someone's life depends on it I will help you", Seungkwan says and Chan hugs him in glee. "Thank you Kwanie say whatever you want I will grant it if I can", Chan says while hugging Seungkwan and Seungkwan replies "One, tell me about this big secret of yours later in the future, and the second, meet me at the movie theatre tomorrow night I will be waiting".

Chan watched Seungkwan's figure leave and smiled to himself. He would thank Seungkwan a million times for doing him the favour.

Seokmin's beauty sleep was disturbed by a sudden phone call but as soon as he saw the caller ID he smiled like a lovesick fool. "Kwanie? you want something are you hungry shall I bring you something to eat?", Seokmin threw questions at Seungkwan who just replied with "Let's meet at Diamond Creek me and you. I hate waiting so don't make me wait".

Seokmin couldn't sleep all night thinking about his date plan for tomorrow at Diamond Creek.

Seokmin boarded the first ferry that took them to Diamond Creek and smiled. He was excited to be spending time with his angel but little did he know.

When Seokmin reached the destination he saw Chan.

"Why are you here, wait don't tell me you ", Seokmin said as he turned back to leave. "You can't leave until the next ferry comes and that is at 6:00 clock that's why I called you here", Chan said and Seokmin was so done with Chan.

"What's your problem seriously? tell me one reason why I am not supposed to attend it.", Seokmin asks Chan who just stands there with his head down. "If you are gonna speak nothing then I will catch a fisher boat and drive it myself and go", Seokmin says turning back to leave but widens his eyes when he hears Chan saying " I am from the future. from the future where you are my dad. A terrible incident will happen to you and I am stopping it from happening because I have a second chance. A chance to make you listen to my music and sing along with you in the future. Do you know how much it disturbs me when you are turning away from something you love because of your disability? All I want is for you to be happy can't you see I am trying to help you?".

Seokmin widens his eyes and says "I am not a fan of novels tell this to someone else and they will surely believe you". "If you leave I am gonna jump into this water", Chan says to Seokmin who replies "Then jump I don't", Soekmin starts but a sudden splash of water reaches his ears.

Being surrounded by the water reminds Chan of a memory when He was 7 years old.

A seven-year-old Chan was playing on the ice when suddenly the ice below him broke and he fell into a puddle of water. Chan couldn't call for his papa or dad cause he knew they wouldn't hear. "You lied dad, you said you would save me but yet here I am still drowning", the young Chan thought as his eyes were giving away. When he thought he would die a man pulled him back to the surface.

"Dad how did you know I was drowning, you can't hear", Chan remembers him asking his dad this question. "CHan ahh I can't hear but I can see you all through my third eye", Seokmins replies to CHan making him giggle.

Chan who was surrounded by water again called for his dad to come and save him from drowning. And just like how Seokmin saved him in the past he saved him now as well.

"Are you mad?, what was that?", Seokmin asked worriedly as he examined Chan.

"I called Soonyoung and said we would miss the rehearsal are you happy now?", Seokmin asked Chan but he did not get an answer instead Chan bear hugged Seokmin and let his tears fall.

It was nighttime when they returned home and Chan bid Seokmin cause he promised Seungkwna he would be there and also warned Seokmin to not leave the house.

But, Seokmin was adamant. When he received a call from Soonyoung saying the rehearsal was still on and they were practicing he made his way to the rehearsal hall.

Chan reached the movie theatre on time and that made Seungkwan smile. The movie begins in a few till then we can watch the moon", He says dragging Chan along.

"The moon is beautiful", Seungkwan says staring at Chan hoping Chan would catch what that means but instead Chan just says yes before checking a message he got on the phone.

Chan's eyes widen and he knows he needs to go there now. He leaves a baffled Seungkwan there and runs. "I will save you no matter what Dad", he thinks while running the fastest he ever could.

Seokmin and the crew were rehearsing the song when the door opened revealing goons who shouted "Jeon Wonoo you asshole".

Jun widens his eyes as he looks at his boyfriend who has no emotions on his face.

"Wonwoo yah you know them?", Jihoon asks and Wonwoo nods yes. The goons give him no time as they come lunging at him. WOnwoo dodges his attack and throws a punch to the man's jaw.

Everyone joined the fight and Jun was raging at these men who had the audacity to punch his boyfriend. my man here knew martial arts so his punches were quite painful.

Seokmin was breaking bones too but he was slow to realize a man had hit his head. While his world starts spinning Soekmin remembers the words Chan said which were "I am preventing a terrible accident from happening Dad". "Is that what he meant", Seokmin thinks while falling down, and the next things that happened were blurred.

Chan opened the door and saw a man was going to hit his Dad so he ran and kicked the man who tried punching him but Cha broke his fist. When another man came to punch Chan the police sirens were heard so the goons ran away.

Chan ran to his dad who was lying there and started shaking him asking if Seokmin could hear. "Shut Up I can hear your voice very loudly ", Seokmin replied CHan lost it and hugged his dad close engulfing him in a warm embrace. When Chan saw that the clock struck 12:00 he knew he did it. He saved his dad and prevented the accident. His second chance saved his dad.

Guys this is till where the drama aired so I hope you enjoyed it. Stay tuned for the next chapter when it airs. ALso, please give lots of support to LOVE IN MOONLIGHT AND ANGEL"S LAST MISSION LOVE.

thank you Seren ~~

stay tuned the story isn't done yet~~~~~~~~

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