"And last week you hadn't even known that. Which is what started the conversation. Now, shut up and let me watch my fucking baseball."

Doc huffed, crossing his arms and settling into the couch more. We all stared at the television for a moment. The stilted silence didn't make my paranoia any better.

"Do you get this?" Doc asked after a moment, leaning toward me a little. I stiffened again.

"I never really got into... sports." I said, not taking my eyes off the screen.

"Really?" Bruno said, looking over at me before his eyes got caught on the screen again. "C'mon, everyone has a favorite."

"Not everyone." Doc grumbled, looking away.

I shrug, my head was feeling better now, my thoughts coming out sharper. "I was taken into an FBI/S.H.I.E.L.D. joint training program when I was born. Turns out it was corrupt, wanting to take over the world or something. They loved children. Perfect, loyal soldiers and all that jazz. Not much time to sit down and watch a game when you're learning about different ways to kill a man."

A tense silence fell over us, even with the tv playing.

"Well, 'better late than never' is a saying for a reason." Bruno stated, trying to be cheerful. He slid an inch to the side. "Is there anything that interests you? I can help you-"

"Pass," I said, getting up. I took my wings out of disclosed mode. Even though it's been a few years, the stealth generator turning off and on was still a familiar sound. It helped me relax.

I went over to the ransacked bar and slung the wing unit off. I started to check it over. S.H.I.E.L.D. liked to brag about it being the most innovative organization in the world, yet they could act like toddlers when presented with technology that they didn't design.

"Systems check: engaged" an automotive voice that was supposedly my mother said. The internal fans whirled to life and a silent hum of scanners inside started their diagnosis.

I pulled up a slanted stool, digging into the small compartment apart of the wings. A slim tablet came out grasped in my hands. I looked at the back of it. An elegant, swirling cursive P with a shooting star was placed on the back. It was the company Richard and Mary Parker were trying to jump start. Perspicacious. You can tell it was going to be good because it was just the generic state-your-last-name-with-industries- behind-it type company.

A smile came across my face as I ran my hand over the logo. It quickly faded. When I was being trained, I always wondered about my parents. At first, I thought they had just abandoned me, and I became resentful because of it. But then Fisk and Peter came into my life, and I saw what they were trying to accomplish. They had the foundations for something brilliant, and had taken the time to make sure their children had a place in the world. If it weren't for... shit, who knew. Someone hired the assassin hit on Richard and Mary Parker, but for the life of me I don't know who. First, Fisk. Then the Finisher and that bastard Chameleon. Then Red Skull came into the picture.

I shook my head, flipping the tablet over. It didn't matter. I had to keep reminding myself of this fact. I had gone on a frenzy trying to bring justice to their killers. In the end, Peter had to drag me out of that raging haze.

"Teresa, it doesn't matter. Getting revenge won't change anything."

"It's not revenge! It's justice!"

"Not like this. Look, Mo- they're gone. Dead. And they aren't coming back. Which really sucks. Our childhoods weren't what they wanted for us. But we came out stronger and smarter from our experiences. And in the end, we found each other. Their image won't die, we keep it moving. With us living as best we can, they live on."

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