𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙋𝙏𝙀𝙍 𝙁𝙊𝙐𝙍 ➯ 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙖 𝙘𝙪𝙡𝙩

Comincia dall'inizio

but i don't think you'd ever be
able to conceptualize that since
you seem to think you can get
whatever the fuck you want

When did I say that??

You don't get it

Your fans are attacking Amira
and calling her a home wrecker

I never thought you'd be okay
with your fans doing that to
someone especially after every
thing that we've been through

that's rich from you

i'll make a statement but i
cant stop them just like you
never could

That's all I need right now

i honestly don't care about
what you need

i'll do it for her



IT HAD BEEN over three weeks since Carlos and Isla had last seen each other in person. The two would call every night, of course but not being in person since the race in Britain. The distance had begun to get to Isla, not to mention the amount of threats and hate that the girl had gotten since the two announced their relationship to the public.

That's how Isla ended up scrolling through her tag on Twitter.

Tears clouded her eyes as she read over the mean things the comment said. Isla knew she shouldn't read them, that she shouldn't listen to the things that they said, but she couldn't help it. To her, they were right.

She didn't deserve Carlos. Isla was an abandoned child who's mother didn't want her anymore and whose father barely looked up from his work to notice that he had two kids to look after (his best friend was more of a parent to them then he ever was). Isla didn't know how to love, let alone how to let someone love her.

The girl knew she was spiraling. Her head was clouded with thoughts of doubt, her gut screaming at her to run away. Every inch of her body was telling her to leave before she could get left, yet there she was. Isla was sat in Carlos's apartment, knees to her chest, falling down the rabbit hole of hate. Tears cascaded down her cheeks, her breath shaking as her chest burned as she inhaled.

"Amor, I'm back!" Carlos called, shutting the door behind him. The boy waited in the door, expecting the girl to come running (as she normally would whenever he'd have her stay when he had races) but nothing came. "Hermosa!"

Carlos wandered into the house, growing more worried with each passing second that his girl wasn't in his arms. "Isla! Words, please!"

His racing heart steadied when his eyes landed on the girl. There she was on the couch, knees tucked to her chest as her thumbs scrolled rapidly through her phone. Carlos rounded the couch, kneeling down at her level as his eyebrows knitted together. "Amor, qué pasó?"

Islas sight finally left her phone, the red cheeks and bloodshot eyes met Carlos's soft, sympathetic deep brown gaze. The boy reached out and lightly cupped her cheek, to which the girl retreated slightly. "Oh you're home."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," She hummed, standing up past him. "I was, umm, gonna surprise you but I got distracted. I'm sorry."

Carlos trailed her hurried steps. "Why are you apologizing? Why haven't you kissed me? What's wrong, amor, please talk to me. I've missed you."

"Yeah, you too," she mumbled, grabbing two glasses for the bottle of wine she had gotten. "I just have a lot on my mind."

Carlos rested his hand on the small of her back, noting how she tended under his touch. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, no you didn't," She replied, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. "I just... maybe I should go."

"Go where?"

"You just got home, I'm sure you want your space," Isla replied, stepping away from him. "I'll get a hotel or something. I'll see you later."

The boy grabbed her hand, his eyes searching hers for any give into what was going through her mind. "Please, love, just tell me. What's going on?"

Tears began to fall from her eyes. "They're right."

"Who, my love? Who?"

"Everyone," She whispered, her voice breaking as she choked on a sob. "Those people on Twitter, they're right. I don't deserve you. I don't know how to love you."

"What do you mean? What's happening?"

Isla hated how he was looking at her. "I'm a mistake. I'm the product of a teenage hookup gone-wrong. My parents were barley sixteen when I was born. They got married when I was five because they had to."

"That doesn't mean-"

"I was practically raised by a 19 year old Seb and a 21 year old Lewis because I made my dad leave racing after my mom left," She continued, beginning to pace. "Oh my mom... My mom left when I was nine years old. My brother was four. She didn't love me. My dad doesn't love me. Seb and Lew love me because they felt too bad not to.

"I was parenting my brother at seven because mommy was too tired to get out of bed to get us to school," Isla ranted, Carlos sitting at the island stool. "I've been through bad boyfriend after bad boyfriend because I just want someone to want me. I want you to want me so badly that I've trapped you. We've been together for ten months now and you don't know anything about my trauma because that's not fair to you. I'm just not good enough."

At this point, her small frame was wracked with sobs. For the first time ever, Carlos saw the girl be vulnerable, it was unsettling. She always seemed so confident that seeing her break down made his heart physically ache to hold her. "Amor, I don't care. I don't care because all I know is I love you. I want you."

"You just think you want me."

"I know I want you," He spoke as he rose from his seat, crossing so he was stood before her. His hands cupped her cheeks gently, his thumbs wiping away her tears ever so delicately. "I don't care what those people are saying. I don't care what you are saying. I want you because I love you. How can I show you that, please?"

"Just hold me."



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