Pov: you see a ginger

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Yuu: What the fuck... this doesn't make sense...

Ace: Ha, you don't know the queens of hearts?


Chapter 7

At the Main Street

Grim: "Ohh...amazing! So this is the main street. I didn't get a good look at this place yesterday, but what are these statues? There are seven of them and all of them look terrifying.

This lady...she seems particularly pretentious, don't you think?"

Grim points to a certain statue of an imposing woman, her expression stern and her body language exuding an aura of self-importance. It was as if she viewed all others as inferior to herself and her station. Yuu could feel the weight of her gaze even though she was a statue.

Yuu: "Hmm, yeah, they look every ...intimidating."

Yuu's thoughts. Hmmm... this statue seems all too similar in appearance...it reminds me of... the Queen of Hearts, from the movie...what was it called? Alice in Wonderland!... But...why is she here? This is a different universe...why would a statue of a villain from a Disney movie be here? Something doesn't seem quite right...

Yuu was confused as to why the Queen of Hearts from the old Disney movie was there....was it some sort of strange praise to the character? Or was it something more? The mystery only grew as her confusion mounted...

Yuu can't seem to make sense of this, especially since Disney is obviously a fictional entity in Yuu's universe, and not a real person of historical importance like in this one. She seems quite confused by this development as she thinks this to herself.

As Yuu pauses to think about what she has just seen, she hears a voice behind her, bringing her back to reality.

???: "Ha, you don't know the Queen of Hearts, hm? How funny."

Grim: "The Queen of Hearts? Is she an important individual?"

Grim asks out loud, curious as to who this particular individual was, and whether she was of any importance.

As soon as Yuu turns round to get a look at the stranger who has spoken to her, she finds herself noticing the person's appearance. He had an interesting hairdo, with fluffy, orange hair that flips up at the ends, and average-length bangs that fall around his face and between his eyes. His eyes are bright scarlet in color, and over his left eye is a...red marking shaped like a heart. An odd feature, no doubt. His smile seemed to be rather energetic and full of enthusiasm. A unique individual, to say the least...

???: "In times past, she was the queen who dwelt inside the Rose labyrinth. She was a strict individual who valued discipline, and she would not tolerate any disorder amongst the Rose Soldiers' forces, or in the colors of the roses.

Even though these folks were crazy, they remained completely faithful and obedient to her.
Why is that you may ask?
Well, to disobey her orders or break the rule of law could lead to instant beheading!"

A twisted wonderland ride (Under editing the few first chaps)Where stories live. Discover now