✰✦✰ Chapter Thirty-Four ✰✦✰

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✰✦✰ Chapter Thirty-Four ✰✦✰
" Crook Who Was Caught "

NOW THAT I was changed into their white and golden gown, I was allowed to follow Jacks. But I didn't even focus on where we were going. I didn't know when it got hot or cold or when I was walking up or down, I didn't know. It was that simple.

I didn't know anything anymore.

I'd been betrayed by a close friend and for all I knew now, my friends could be dead too. Apheses might've lied to me again, just like he had with Jacks. Maybe I truly had nothing left.

Asking Jacks any more questions would've been pointless, so I didn't on our way up to the great hall, knowing he'd offer me only silence or answers that would be of no use to me. So I kept my lips sealed. Then again, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to talk even if I really wanted to. We eventually stepped foot in the castle. In my castle. We were at the very bottom floor, by the kitchens and servant quarters. Recognising it brought me no comfort, no sweet nostalgia. Only pain. Hurt. Memories that I never wanted. This was precisely where I'd said my final goodbye to Mother, hugged her for the last time. This was where Zacrus had had to drag us away to ensure our safety, safety that now all felt purposeless.

The place was mostly clean. Like they'd polished it up solely for my arrival. Jacks led me through old corridors and we passed bedrooms, dining rooms, offices of my father's, play rooms, dressing rooms, other places I didn't quite understand—

I wanted out. I wanted out now. I knew it was wrong of me to want to leave now, even without the others, but the emptiness in my heart bore too much agonising pain that I no longer wanted to experience.

"We're here," Jacks said suddenly, snapping me from my train of thoughts. I glanced at him, but, as expected, he didn't spare me a single ounce of attention. Instead, he opened the double doors and revealed the great hall I remembered so vividly.

Golden chandeliers hung from the ceiling, sparkling in their richness, shedding a bright, warm—ironic—light onto the marble floor. Windows remained on both sides, long and sunlight beaming through them, the resplendent walls glittering in response. The floor guided us on and on, a long pathway towards the end of the room where a throne was situated. A tall, white and golden throne with enough space to fit the three of my little sisters and I in. Instead, Apheses sat there, grinning like the cruel villain in the fairy tale and wearing a dark suit. He'd crossed his legs with a wickedness that told me he believed he deserved to sit there.

The Shielder of Darkness stood beside him, a cloud of smoke covering his face as per usual. Though I didn't notice his face first. It was his height that intimidated me this time—he stood taller than the throne, head—or smoke head—held high, proud and triumphant.

And then—then my heart beated in relief.

Sarinne, Darius, Luna and Miles were separated in two pairs on either side of the throne, their hands bound behind their backs with ropes. Ropes. Surely Rinne and Darius could get out of those? They all struggled, muffling words aggressively as if to tell me that someone stood behind me with a knife. I knew it wasn't possible but still quickly glanced over my shoulder to double check. Checked. I was safe. From being stabbed by Jacks at least. That was the least of my worries with my friends all bruised and bleeding in some place. Miles glared up at Apheses and Luna's face was stained with tears that made her eyes puffy. Sarinne had never looked more furious, eyes shooting daggers at Jacks behind me. Darius seemed to be the only calm one, tilting his head as he flexed his muscles as if to get out of the ropes that way, eyes fiery and full of rage.

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