chapter two

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Gellert had arrived in England not two hours ago and he was already soaked through. It was raining. In summer. Not that he minded, he was just worried that his books and research would get wet.

You see, Gellert was on a mission. He had been expelled from Durmstrang not two months before for "Misuse of dark magic and irresponsible behaviour" or at least that's what they told his father. They didn't say he had tortured three students because they questioned his authority and intelligence. Now however, Gellert was on his way to see his Great-aunt Bathilda Bagshot.

He did love his aunt, she was kindly to him. However she always insisted on him meeting some people when he stayed. Last time it was her work colleagues, how boring.

He saw the stone in the floor signalling he was nearly there. Why he couldn't get a portkey straight to his aunt's he will never know.

"Halte hier an, Karl, ich möchte den Rest des Weges zu Fuß gehen. Es ist so eine hübsche Stadt, wissen Sie. Sie können jetzt nach Hause zurückkehren. Danke schön." [¹Stop here, Karl, I want to walk the rest of the way. It's such a pretty town, you know. You can now return home. Thank you very much.] Gellert spoke to the person driving his carriage. "Danke Junger Meister Grindelwald"[Thank you young master Grindelwald] Karl spoke back as he pulled the carriage over.

Gellert stepped out and whipped his wand elegantly and discreetly which teleported all his belongings to his room at his Aunt's house.

He then began to stride through the town. He noticed how everyone stopped and spoke to each other, however it was very rare to see a smile on their faces.

"I hate England so much" he grumbled under his breath. He then saw the familiar two rows of cottages and smiled as he saw his aunt stood outside waiting for him.

"GELLERT DEAR WELCOME BACK" She shouted waving her hands as she spotted him. Gellert laughed and picked up the pace in his walk. The rain came down harder as Gellert entered his aunt's garden.

She went to pull him into a hug but he wouldn't let her. "Tante don't you think it would be better if we got you out of this weather incase you become ill?" Gellert said holding his elderly aunt's hand.

"Oh yes of course dear of course" she said with a smile. "Your stuff is already in the places you like them in dear, we will be having company any minute now sweetie is that alright?".

Gellert sighed and asked "Another work colleague?". Bathilda laughed, "No darling, this one is here for you, to have a friend here" she said walking into the kitchen. "Tea darling?".

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Bathilda smiled and said excitedly "That should be them".

She scurried to the door. Gellert sighed and went to sit on the sofa after drying himself off.

He sat looking at the paintings of his mother as a child. "Gellert!" Bathilda called from the hallway.

Gellert sighed and stood up. He walked sluggishly to where her voice was coming from. He stopped in his tracks when he saw something that made his heart skip a beat.

"Gellert, this is my neighbour Albus Dumbledore, he's around about your age" She said with a smile before turning to the gorgeous red head boy who was smaller than him by a few inches and had freckles in constolations across his cheeks. "Albus dear, this is my nephew, Gellert Grindelwald, he has come down for the summer" She said with a kindly smile.

"Well, welcome to Godrics Hollow, Mr Grindelwald" the red head said his cheeks dusted pink. His accent... Gellert couldn't place it. It was English but it had a slight Irish twang to it.

"I have visited before" Gellert grumbled. "Yes but you never leave these walls do you boy" Bathilda said with a chuckle, "Albus is the same other than when he has work though, always with your head in some book aren't you boy?".

Albus turned a deeper shade of red in embarrassment. "Well, it's better to explore your imagination than a town you've lived in for nearly eight years" Albus said sheepishly.

Bathilda smiled. "You two go sit in the living room, would you like some tea Albus darling? I've got the teapot full on the table and there's an entire bowl of sugar for your usage" The elderly lady said with a loving smile and hobbled back into the kitchen.

Gellert led Albus into the living room and handed him a teacup. They stared at each other for a long hard while, then Albus cleared his throat and asked rather quietly, "Do you like sugar in your tea?".

Gellert was taken back by the random question. "Yes... Only two cubes though, it gets a bit sickly after that wouldn't you agree?".

Albus then reached for the spoon in the sugar bowl, and placed five sugar cubes into his tea. "I actually disagree, sweetness is all I live for these days" He said with a laugh. Gellert felt his heart skip a beat.

Should he feel this way for someone he's just met?

"So, Batty tells me you're from Germany?" Albus says, he was desperately trying to make conversation as it would be awkward.

"Yes, I am" He responded, "Nurmenguard actually, I live in the castle on the hill looking over the village". Albus' jaw dropped.

"You live in a castle?!"

Gellert started to laugh a little. He knew Albus' surname was of pureblood decent and quite a wealthy family. His family used to work quite close with the Dumbledores Long before he was born.

"Why is that a shock to you?" Gellert asked, he sat up with better posture thinking it might have been the way he was sat that made him seem like a less wealthy person.

"Well, I literally live in the cottage across the road, I have to work at a pub to be able to feed my siblings and myself" Albus said feeling rather inferior now.

They spoke for hours and hours until the question came up.

"Have you read The Tales of Beedle the Bard?"


So so sorry this took so long to publish, I've got so much going on in college. But it's now the Christmas holidays so I can finally have a breather.

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