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Later, they left with new information, and life continued as normal. The days got warmer as summer came closer and closer.
After a while, Izaya asked one day,
"When's your birthday?''
Shizuo smirked.
"January 28th.''
"Oh...wait...that means...''
"Yeah. It already passed.''
"It's ok, do I look like the type to care about birthdays? Hell, I didn't know you cared either.''
"I don't really care! I...just curious.''
"...then, when's yours?''
"...May 4th.''
Shizuo turned his head to look at a calendar on the wall.
"That's in a week, isn't it?''
"I see...''
"Like hell I'd not give him anything.''
"So? What did you choose?''
Shizuo spoke fierecly into the phone.
"I don't see his usual rings anymore, so I thought I'd get him another one.''
"Ooh, that's smart. And the problem?''
"That I don't know his ring size.''
Shinra sighed from the phone.
"Just find one of his old rings and check the size.''
"...Shinra, thank you.''
Shinra from the other side chuckled.
"This is what happens when you're clueless, Shizuo.''
Shinra seemed to want to continue, but Shizuo hung up aruptly.
"Bastard...calling me an idiot.''
He put his plan in action later that night. While Izaya showered unwittingly, Shizuo went to search for his ring.
All the way in a corner were several boxes stacked upon each other, and he found it there.
Will Izaya notice if I take it...
Hastily, Shizuo tried it on each of his fingers. It fit the thumb, so that would be where his measurements would be taken.
"Damn, his fingers are small.''
Shizuo heard Izaya's voice from the hallway as he quickly placed everything back.
Izaya looked at him weirdly.
"Why bring him up now?''
Then, he placed his hand against the blonde's.
"Wow, your fingers are big.''
Shizuo looked at him silently and wrapped his fingers around Izaya's.
They stayed silent for a while until Shizuo started a series of kisses.
Izaya didn't resist, yet he pulled back when Shizuo reached for his pants.
"I just showered...so...''
Shizuo sighed and placed his head on top of Izaya's shoulder.
"Okay. I'm fine with that, because it means that you would let me continue if you didn't shower.''
Izaya immediately turned red and embarassed, watched Shizuo walk off to the bathroom.
The day before his birthday, Izaya quietly walked back home, not thinking much about it.
It's not like I can expect to recreive something from Shizu-chan...he said he's not the birthday type...
Izaya looked confused for a second and pinched himself.
Why am I worrying or getting anxious? I'm not a birthday type either.
He didn't find Shizuo at home, but that was normal anyway.
Later, both men went to sleep early, but Izaya stayed awake, rather nervous.
Really, what am I expecting?

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