Dear Meg #4

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Dear Meg,

What do you do when someone thinks they are friends with you, but they are a stage five clinger?

~ @Book_Lover356

   This is for when you physically know the person, you slowly stop showing interest, like if they ask a question, start waiting longer and longer to respond, they start losing interest.

   If it's an internet stalker, then you simply block them on everything possible!

   But if it's both, this will be a trip.

   Don't seem as willing to talk to them, show how uncomfortable you are around them, stop liking their posts and unfollow/unfriend them. No matter what, don't show interest. But is something bad is happening in their life, at least be there for them. That would only make things worse. If they text you everyday, feel free to not text them back, or be a boring texter.

   Basically, this is all I know, so I hope it works! Bye!

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